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Taehyung woke up with his hands tied behind and a gag around his mouth. Taehyung struggled but it was useless.

His senses were still numb and his wrist were bleeding from the amount of rubbing. He was on floor for sure and his hands were tied with something to keep him from moving.

Taehyung let out a muffled cry for help. Now he was wasn't angry, he was scared. Fear was filling his veins like blood. Not like Taehyung had never experienced fear. He had, but this one was at a whole new level.

Taehyung cried again, this time tears cascading down his eyes. As he tried to free himself but it seemed impossible.

"See who's up" A voice said. Taehyung looked up and blinked rapidly to clear his teary vision.

Taehyung let out a curses and yells but they came out like muffled screams.
"Aww baby is scared" The man cooed as he bend down to his eye level.

Taehyung looked around and saw three more men around the one sitting. One was the taxi driver and Taehyung gave him a look of betrayal. The other two were completely stranger.

Taehyung yelled something again and the male scoffed.
"Oh you can't speak with this gag in your mouth...I'm so stupid" the man laughed and the other three followed.

He pulled out the gag out of his mouth and Taehyung coughed a little. And then glared up at the four.

"What do you want" Taehyung asked, trying hard to keep out any signs of fear.
"Let's see~" the male said and rubbed his chin,"I want you dad's money and for that we need to make a plan...but till then, your body can make it up"

Taehyung was bout to scream something until a new voice cut in.
"Yeah—my punches can make it up as well" The four turned around with wide eyes and gaping mouths.

Taehyung eyes widened as he took in the scene. Yoongi grabbed a male and punched him right in the face. The other two were about to take him down but two of arms grabbed them and then started punching the shit out of them.

The leader looked at Taehyung and then man-handled and bolted. Taehyung screamed but the male turned around as corner and then threw Taehyung at a bundle of sacks. Taehyung was about to yell but the male climbed over him and put his hand over Taehyung's mouth to shut him up.

Taehyung struggled but the guy was much stronger than him and towered over the male.

"Shhh baby, no yelling" The guy snarled. Taehyung still managed to the let out a scream.

The guys groaned the Taehyung won't stop struggling under him. It was dark and it was hard to see but Taehyung's screams would be enough to catch attention.

So the guy grabbed the back of the younger's neck and pressed the pressure point hard. The male under him immediately became lump.

The guy was about to escape when arms yanked him back and threw him off the floor.

Three men hovered around him.

"How dare you lay a eye on my son, let alone touch him?" One of snarled as he kicked.

"He is Kim Taehyung" One of them snarled again,"You dare lay a hand on my brother and you are dead"

"Ha and he already did it" Pale one said,"You deserve to die "

He was about to kick him hard when the brother pulled him away.
"Yoongi don't" He said,"We have the police to handle him"

"But he touched him—" Yoongi said.

"I know but Taehyung won't want you to be jail for killing him" Baekhyun said and pulled Yoongi away as the police picked up the guy and dragged him out, along with the other three guys.

Yoongi sighed and then turned to look for Taehyung. He found the male passed out on top of a bundle of sacks.

"Taehyung!" He yelled and went to the male and shook him.
"Taehyung, my boy" Sungmin kneeled beside him son and made him sit up. Taehyung fell lump against his father's body.

"Dad let's leave this place" Baekhyun said.
"Alright" Sungmin said and Baekhyun reached forward and picked up Taehyung in bridal style.

Yoongi watched intensely and he walked out with the two.

He didn't know what to do or where to go. He didn't even know if he was invited in or not.

"Hey Yoongi come" Sungmin said,"Let's go"
"Yes you" Baekhyun said as he settled Taehyung in the car back seat,"You save Tae, we owe you"

"No it's alright" Yoongi said, although he wanted to be there when Taehyung wakes up.

"Yoongs Taehyung would want to see you" Sungmin said with a soft smile. Like he wasn't the person who was about to call an army to save his son.

"Alright" Yoongi said and climbed in the back seat, he laid Taehyung's head in his lap and softly ran his fingers through his messy hair.

Sungmin got in drivers seat and Baekhyun beside him as they drove away from the industrial area.

Yoongi frowned and wiped off the blood from Taehyung's bottom lip and bit his own to hold back a cry.

Only if he had stopped Taehyung the younger wouldn't have gone through any of this. If he had grabbed him and pulled him back, or maybe if he hadn't even invited him for a drink.

"Don't blame yourself Min" Baekhyun said after sometime of staring at the male who seemed to be struggling.

"It's my fault hyung and you know that" Yoongi said,"If I hadn't met Taehyung, he would have been safe"

"If you weren't there to follow Taehyung and contact us, he would have been possibly dead by now" Baekhyun said, although he didn't want to say the word dead. Sungmin's left eye twitched at the word.

"Yeah~~" Yoongi said. He remembered going to Taehyung's mansion to to apologize to him and ask him if was okay.

But Baekhyun greeted him with a glare which immediately fell when Yoongi said that Taehyung left him but he didn't came home.

Baekhyun and Sungmin tried contacting to the male but his phone was switched off or out of reach.

Thanks to the family's rich and strong contacts they were able to find Taehyung's location soon.

But still in the matter of hours Yoongi was dead angry and scared.

But now the younger was safe in his hold and he would never let him face anything like that again.

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