Chapter 8 ~ Nightmare

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Shuichi opened his eyes to almost total darkness, not even in a bed or room, just floating in a black void. Despite the strangeness of it all, he felt at peace here, like nothing and no one could hurt him. Unfortunately, it didn’t last too long as a girl appeared out of nowhere from behind him.

“Hello, Shuichi,” she said cheerfully. Shuichi screamed in surprise, immediately turning around. He instantly regretted that decision as he was now face to face with Tsumugi. “Bet you didn’t expect to see me, did you?”

“T-Tsumugi,” Shuichi said in shock before growling in anger. “What are you doing here!?” He lunged at her, ready to get the revenge he had once hoped for.

Tsumugi was faster than him, dodging out of the way. “Now now, no need for violence. I’m not the Tsumugi from your world.” As if to emphasize this, she spread her demonic like wings.

“I-I don’t care! You’re still probably behind this! What, is this your new TV show or something!?”

“Not exactly.” She smirked. “Though I am using everyone for entertainment, I’m the only one watching everything happen. And I have no control over what anyone does!” Her smirk turned into a sweet smile.

“Yeah right!” He crossed his arms.

“I’m serious!” She looked hurt by his disbelief, before going back to her happy self. “Oh! I should probably explain who I am. For both you and the readers.” She mumbled that last part.

“What?” Shuichi wasn’t sure he heard her right.

“I’m what you call a nightmare!”

“No kidding!”

“No! I mean this is a dream world! And I declare whether you have a good dream or not.”

“So… everything has been a dream?”

“Just where we are talking now. The world you have been in is one hundred percent real!”

“That’s… crazy…”

Tsumugi giggled. “Yep! But crazy is what makes life worth living.”

Shuichi rolled his eyes. “Okay. Since I got you here, I’d like to ask-”

“No time!” The darkness turned all sorts of colors. “You’re being woken up! Let’s talk some other time, okay?”

Before Shuichi got a chance to respond, everything went white, making him close his eyes.

Shuichi’s eyes slowly opened to see a figure standing above him. He jumped back, rubbing his eyes. Kokichi was above him on the bed, giggling. Shuichi’s mind instantly reached for the memory that took place at the ‘insect meet and greet’, but he shoved the thought away.

“Morning sleepy head~,” Kokichi sang.

“K-Kokichi…,” Shuichi said, trying to hide his nervousness. “What are you doing here?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I came to see you! It was so rude how you just walked off yesterday. I feel like we haven’t hung out much.” Kokichi pouted.

“There’s a reason for that…”

“Well, whatever. Come! You’re going to hang out with me today!” He tried to push Shuichi off the bed. Shuichi grabbed onto the sheets.

“I don’t want to…” Shuichi yawned, barley budging off the bed, knowing this would annoy Kokichi.

“Please! Other wise I knocked Kirumi out for nothing!”

“What!?” Shuichi immediately sat up, looking at Kokichi to see one of his dark, scary faces.

He jumped off the bed, running towards Kirumi’s office. He slammed the door open, expecting to see a passed out Kirumi on the floor. And for a second, he did. Even saw some blood leaking out of her head. But it wasn’t real.

Kirumi sat in her office chair, a couple boxes piled up on her desk, almost making her hard to see. She stared at Shuichi, unsure if she should be concern, confused, or angry. Without saying a word, Shuichi just shut the door, turning to face a smirking Kokichi.

“Glad to see you’re finally out of bed,” Kokichi said.

“I-I-,” Shuichi stuttered, trying to calm his breathing. “I can’t believe I believed you…”

“Don’t feel stupid. I am a liar after all! Nee-heehee.” He put his arms above his head. “But I almost did actually do it.” Suddenly, he got serious.”It was plan B if sneaking in didn’t work. Kirumi would do anything to keep me out. And I can’t be having that, now can I?” He smiled innocently.

Shuichi sighed. “If I agree to hang out with you, will you stop talking as if you’d… m-murder… Kirumi?” Just saying the word made him feel sick.


Shuichi took that as a yes and quickly went back to his room to put on his hoodie, feeling too tired to change into new clothes. As soon as he was done, Kokichi grabbed his hand, leading the way. Shuichi allowed himself to be dragged, not having the energy to complain. To his surprise, Kokichi was silent. That wasn’t a good sign.

Kokichi led Shuichi to the assassin castle, laughing at the fear he saw on Shuichi’s face. But still, he said nothing. They walked through the castle, everyone they passed glaring at them. Eventually, they reached a black and white checkered door. Kokichi unlocked the door, pushing Shuichi in, and turning on the lights.

The room was a mess. There were piles of random junk on the floor, papers scattered everywhere, and a white board with peoples pictures on it. Shuichi stared at the picture of him that was displayed in the middle of it. He gulped, analyzing the rest of the room. It seemed dark, the walls having been painted black and there being minimal light source. Up on the wall by a bed was a bunch of weapons. Shuichi took a step back, gasping.

“Like my room,” Kokichi asked.

“Y-your room,” Shuichi stuttered, realizing he wasn’t safe.

“Yeah. And calm down. I’m not planning on using those weapons or anything. Unless you want me too~”

“N-no!” Shuichi rapidly shook his head.

“Okay then! We can just-”

“Hey, there you are you degenerate male,” a girl’s voice shouted behind Kokichi.

Kokichi sighed. “What now Tenko?” Kokichi turned to face her. She was leaning against the door frame, looking pissed. Shuichi looked down, wishing he could cover his face with his long forgotten hat.

“You were suppose to report to Maki hours ago. Now she’s taking her anger out on us!”

Kokichi rolled his eyes. “That sounds like you problem.”

Tenko growled, pulling out her sword and aiming it at Kokichi’s throat. Despite this, he seemed unfazed, angering Tenko even more.

“P-please just go,” Shuichi said, not wanting to see any bloodshed. “Please...”

“Fine,” Kokichi groaned. “But only because Saihara-chan begged.”


“Let’s go little miss feminist!” Tenko put her sword down, walking out but not away, making sure Kokichi followed behind. “I’m coming! I just got to do something real quick!”

Kokichi walked out the room, closing the door from behind him. Shuichi’s eyes widened as he heard Kokichi locking the door. He ran to the door, banging on it and pulling the handle.

“Kokichi,” Shuichi yelled. “Unlock the door!”

“Sorry but I can’t,” Kokichi replied. “I’ll try not to be long. But I can’t take a chance of you leaving. I’m determined to get some time with you today! Now, feel free to look around my room more. Bye!” He walked off with Tenko, leaving Shuichi who repeatedly pleaded to be let go.

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