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This luxurious fancy place
Baby look at us, look at us

This luxurious fancy placeBaby look at us, look at us

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It was exactly as I had thought it would be.

The room was filled to the brim with people, with tall, sparkling glasses filled with clear liquid, and the realest smiles I'd ever seen.

The whole scene wasn't too different from the one I was used to seeing back in Daejeon, but somehow the whole vibe here was much more dominant. It was like seeing the headquarters of a certain organization, with more confident people who knew how to deal with shit.

It wasn't unwelcoming, exactly, but the whole thing was so strange, and backwards, that I simply couldn't bring myself to mix up with the crowd.

The corner of the area was occupied solely by me, a lone form sitting straight against the arm of the lone couch. No one really paid attention to me—after the introductions were done, no one had really bothered to pick up a proper conversation with me. Not in a mean way, exactly...maybe it was that I was as unfamiliar to them as they were to me.

Still, I hoped to see someone from the trio that had been responsible for getting me caught up in this mess.

I wanted to drive already.

The only reason I'd agreed to this was to feel the wind again, to ride the road, the steaming asphalt with it's screeching tires and purring hood. That was what I had wanted, not some glorified less-than-socialites party. That—and maybe something else.

My eyes strayed to the corner, where a certain redhead sat alone at a table, his thin hands lighting and putting out a lighter. There was a cigarette dangling from between his lips, but it was unlit, unlike the last time I had seen him. His vacant stare bore holes into the table's wooden top.

I shivered despite myself, feeling the weight of his gaze even though it wasn't on me. His face was dark—a complete change from the slightly edgy smile from the race, the soft voice and the gleaming brown eyes.

"I hope you're not feeling too lonely."

I looked up, straight into the eyes of a boy who was smiling down at me with a unique charm. I blinked, thrown off; I hadn't expected anyone to think about me again.

Or maybe this was the Minhyuk type.

"I'm fine," I shrugged, after I had recovered from my initial shock. Despite that, I made no move to invite him to sit, still a little wary about his intentions.

"Good to hear that." He was a pretty boy, definitely, though he didn't look particularly interested. There was a loud politeness to the way he spoke, with a broad, friendly smile, something of a smug layer underneath it. "Y/N, right?"

"That's my name," I muttered, self-consciously fingering my collar, offering him a tight-lipped smile. "I was pretty sure Vernon had already broadcasted the new recruit's name to the whole assembly."

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