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Without even knowing where I’m going
I won’t live in this confusion

Without even knowing where I’m goingI won’t live in this confusion

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"Don't tell me you've never been a part of this before."

I looked over at Taehyung, who had his eyes trained on me, a smirk playing on his full lips.

"I'm not going to." I said, looking away with the smallest of smiles, intending to play at his game. "So you can relax and drive without any worry."

The slight reflection offered by the windshield's surface offered me a glimpse of his grin before he turned back to the view in front of him. The flagger stood in front of the lined cars, and there were no lengths set out this time, which meant that the competition was even.

"With how comfortable you are, being in the same car as a certified criminal, I'd say you've been in this kind of situation before." He said softly, his long fingers wrapping around the gearhead. "Tell me you haven't."

Before I realised it, a soft sigh escaped my mouth.

"Eyes on the road, Kim." I said instead, strapping myself to the seat and recalling my first night here, when the very Nissan I was seated in had so carelessly caught the lead in the beginning. "We don't want any more accidents."

He chuckled lightly, making my shoulders relax somewhat. Maybe it was funny that I was being the most laid-back out of all those I'd met with a criminal, but the easygoing way he spoke and his simple yet teasing remarks were something I'd dealt with on more than one occasion.

Simply put, he was the kind of company I had kept even in Daejong.

I knew that this should have unnerved me, especially with all that had went down back in my past, but I guess the whole car thing alleviated all my skepticism. At least when it came to Kim Taehyung.

Anyone who asked the new girl to ride with him in a race couldn't be the most temperamental—unlike a certain other racer.

That thought jolted me a little, and without realising it, I glanced around, only to find a familiar red Corvette in position two cars down my left.

Taeyong's eyes were on the road, his hands on the wheel—none of the excitement or even a hint of the smile he'd had when I'd rode with him.

"Watch out, now," Taehyung muttered, bringing me back to the race, his gaze straight ahead, strained on the flagger dominating the centre of the asphalt. "We don't want any more accidents."

I grinned at his subtle jab at me, turning to the road as well. This was the third race of the night, and the flagger had a switched off flashlight raised high in the air.

And then there was a beam of light shooting to the sky, cutting downwards in an arc, and I was thrown against my seat as the GTR shot forward.

"Holy shit!" I yelled, my eyes moving to the area behind the wheel as the pointer steadily moved to a ninety. "What's got you so hot under the collar?"

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