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we believe in something
that can’t be touched

we believe in something that can’t be touched

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Throttle. Left. One. Rearview. Repeat.

The seat of the car was comfortable, worn leather that hugged every inch of my body. I wasn't sure if I was allowed in it, but since I had found the door unlocked and carelessly open for anyone and everyone to enter, I wasn't too afraid.

The lights were blaring, stark white against the brilliant blue of the Jaguar I sat in, the model I didn't recognize. If I had any idea what kind of people the place housed, I would know that this was probably unreleased.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Minhyuk grinned at me through the window, one of his bandaged hands resting on the lower part of the window frame at my side. "I've been fine tuning it for the past few weeks, and it's already looking pretty promising."

"It is," I relented, running my hands across the interior and the bodywork of the Jag. "How long is the rest going to take?"

"Another week, give or take a couple days," He said, stepping back as I stepped out of the car. "Then maybe you can even use this once you start racing."

The wide smile on his face faded a little as I straightened up, studying the deep blue beauty through touches and smells. "Tell me more."

"Well, it's a 5 litre, 592 bhp two-seater," He started, immediately going into petrolhead mode. "Carbon wing, 200 mph flat out, kind of an regulated version of the 4WD sys. Costs around 170K U.S. dollars, but we got a steal." He gave me a sly look that was enough to solidify my question about how it had been obtained.

"That's actually amazing," The awed judgement left my lips before I could modify it to subtlety, and the smile on his face widened even more. "What are you improving?"

"Nothing very complicated, but some basic changes," He answered, moving to stand beside me and look at the car standing proudly in the centre of the cluttered garage. "Stiffer spring, adapted pedals..." He trailed off.

In other words, almost the exact answer I'd been expecting. I chewed on my bottom lip softly, playing with the forming idea in my mind—then I turned to him. "And that took you two weeks?"

He blinked, looking momentarily stunned, swaying on his feet shortly before coming to a halt. "Why?" The syllable was slow, stretched out anxiously, the smile almost instantly disappearing from the embrace of his deep Cupid's bow.

"Nothing major, it seems," I gestured to the car, and he glanced at it in slight confusion. "Where were you?"

The immediate answering look on the ravenet's face was stumped, dumb even, but he wasn't that great of an actor. "I told you. I was upgrading the car."

I pursed my lips, obviously not convinced by his white lie. Yes, he had been fixing the car, but simple things like that definitely didn't take two weeks, even with the complications of a racecar. Though I didn't feel like the greatest person for crushing his eagerness at showing off his modifications in the car, I was desparately in need of answers, especially because no one seemed willing enough to give them to me.

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