ending note

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this is coming over a year too late but this felt like the perfect time. in the last year, i've been overwhelmed with writing projects (one of which was rush's sequel, hunt, which required a LOT of work trust me) and haven't been able to properly channel my love and gratitude into one hella long post.

i tried many times to write a note that would successfully sum up my feelings about finishing this duology, but experience has taught me that much of my writing is better when unplanned. like rush itself. would you believe me if i said most of its plot came to me when i was more than halfway through the first book? that the second book idea only realized itself when rush had almost come to an end?

but we hit one million reads yesterday.

that is insane.

especially when you consider that rush is a multi fic—not that there haven't been multi fics here before, but after writing for the biggest fandom in kpop for over a year, i suddenly moved to a book that wouldn't draw as much attention from my general audience. i knew i wasn't going to get as much for rush as i did for my other work, and i accepted that. honestly, i never even expected it to get to a million reads—but it did! this mf really said in yo face!

rush has been my most important book on this site in so many ways. for two years i worked on this book, creating characters and backstories and filling plot holes and building a world that would be able to hold every single one of them despite their glorious diversity. not one of them was like the other, and though that made it a lot more personal, it also made writing them a whole lot harder.

while writing and researching for rush and hunt, i became a much better writer. i grew, i wanted to grow like i never had before. i poured my all into these two books, and i got a lot in return. the first batch of readers i got while writing these fics have stuck with me through all kinds of shit, and i couldn't be more thankful to have you guys. we're a family now. an ever-growing family.

by writing these, i also accidentally inspired a lot of other people to come forward with their own plots. i don't know how many there are in total, but i've found dozens of books saying they were inspired by little old me to write their own multi books, which is absolutely crazy :') all i can say is i see you, and i wish you all the best!

these characters have grown with me, and helped me cope with a lot of messy stuff in my life. even if i'm done right now, they will stay with me forever. through the second draft and maybe the third, and when i'm finished with all of those, in my memory. they've affected how i perceive real actions and real people. they're real to me.

i hope i made them real for you, too.

with a heavy but contented heart,


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