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Today I will perform at Berlin Club, one of the biggest club in Seoul. Many Artists or Idols nor Rich people come here for party. And this is private club so there is no coverage from TV stations or journalist they were not given permission to enter this club. Taking photos or videos are not allowed here. But there's will still some people disguising themselves nor their ID and carrying cameras silently. Most of them was undercover journalist who came here to find some scandal from public figure. 

I'll do a performance with Bambam tonight, he is my partner. Sometimes we do a solo performances too. Bambam and I have done this together for a long time and we are friend in the same dance club back then in Thailand. He is an Idol but these few years he focused on solo career. And I have my own fashion bussiness, clothes that designed by myself, NONA9ON. My brand was so popular here in Korea and Japan, also I'm the model, little did you know every brand that using me as a brand ambassador will sold out in just a matter of minutes after it released. My fans  called me a sold out Queen kekeke~~

So everything is ready, the stage and the DJ table. Bambam and I would go to the stage and started our performance

(you can listen to W&W - Rave after Rave original mix)

"Are you ready guys ??" Bambam shouting

"Put your hands up everybody!! 1, 2, 3 !!"

We were jumping up and down when the music started so loudly with a fast and hard beat, the crowd's shouting so loud and there's some stripper dancer beside us that make the room feeling high and hype. I continue play our music, I play my Turntable and CDJ when Bambam did his job, anchoring the audience. Bambam take off his shirt and made the atmosphere in the club getting hotter, all the women screaming hysterically for him. In a matter of minutes we would finish this performance but suddenly I felt someone bumped my back before I have a chance to turn my body to face her. She backhugged me really tight. I was shocked, I have no idea who is it and what was she doing. So I released her hands from my waist forcefully and turned my body to look at her. I saw a girl who looked a little drunk, her face are red, she actually looked so pretty and cute. I look at her confusedly for a moment then Bambam called me with microphones still on her mouth making the audience shouting so loudly at us. Some of our bodyguard running to the stage trying to hold her to take her down from the stage. But she hugging me again even tighter than before. I don't know why but she looks scared of something, I can felt her body shaking. So I give the bodyguard sign using my hand and mouth that I will take care of her.

I let go of her arm, she looked at me with scared face also a bit shy and blushing, I can't tell what a feeling I get when I see her face for the first time. How beautiful it was. She just makes my heart fluttered. I can't believe this. She moved her hand slowly around  my waist wanted to hug me again and it's makes my heart beat getting faster and faster feeling her touch on my skin. I placed my finger on her cheeks and rubbed my thumb on her cheeks gently, admired at how beutiful she is. Without knowing what the hell is happening to me and my body, I leaned in then kiss her on the lip and it was ON THE STAGE!!! Her lip was so soft, the softness of her lip and the scent was driving me crazy, I was totally hooked and addicted. Her lips like a wine that make me wanna get drunk. Everyone shouting loudly looking at us including Bambam that making me stop in shock and the girl as well. She buried her face on my chest and hug me again. Tightly.

"This will be a big scandal Lisa, wth are you doing?? Bambam shockingly said whispering closer to my ear

Without saying anything to Bambam, I left the stage while dragged the woman to the backstage roughly then pushed and pinned her body on the wall, she was just looking at me blankly and breathing heavily.

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