22. I'll Be There

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What the fuck she just saying, oh shit!! I immediately ran to Lisa room looking for her antidepressants. I know if she having such a hard time in the past but I never thought it would be this worst. I know some people taking antidepressants for balancing their emotion and mood but I don't know if this is so bad until she had to hurt herself or did she ever do that before, like suicide? Oh shit, No Lisa!

I shook my head and opened the cupboard on the table hurriedly and got the medicine. My eyes burst out of tears just thinking about that, I can't hold it anymore my chest feel so much pain. I know some people have uncontrolled emotion but I won't let it taking over her, I won't let her hurt herself not even a bit. No, I would not let that happen.

I know depression is so difficult to fight. But I can't let her have this kind of negative emotion controlling her. I never thought she has suffering a lot, she always looked so cheerful with a wide smile on her face, she always looked so happy every time I saw her. I can't imagine how much that accident hurt her. And how much it hurt me to see her. I wanted her to be okay so badly. But what should I do? I can't change anything from the past and what the fuck is going on between her and uncle? I have to ask Jisoo Unnie about this~

I ran to the kitchen to get a water and went back to the living room then handed her the water and antidepressants and she drank it. I grab her waist and pulled her gently into my arm with her head on my chest. We stayed like that for a while, I sighed in relief when I could felt her breathing getting lighter and she began to stop crying. Her body starting to relax.

"L-Lisa..." I stuttered quietly

"Can you sing me a song, and let me sleep in your arms Jennie" She said in whisper

I kissed the top of her head "Sure baby, close your eyes now. Everything will be alright, Lisa, I'll always by your side, I'll be there for you. I promise"

"You can't promise" She leaned herself and laying her head on my lap "You can't ever promise me that, you don't know what will happens after this" She said with her voice still in whisper

"What do you mean?" I said in confused while caressed her hair gently

"He's your family, He's a part of Kim's family, and you are"

"Lisaaa, I don't get it, what do you mean by that?" I asked curiously

Suddenly she getting off from my lap and stood up "You can leave now" she said coldly

"What? Why are you always like this?Are you really going to do this to me again?" I said almost yelled but she didn't answer she didn't even look at me

"Lisa, I don't understand what happened, why don't you just tell me, shall we talk about it?" 

"I don't want to talk about it, let's end everything here"

"What the hell are you saying? Just go straight to the point Lisa" I asked as stands up from my seat and grab her arm roughly, turned her body to face me

She didn't say a words just stared at me with those eyes full of anger but also pain underneath. We stared at each other for long seconds

"You told me if I'm not happy anymore I can end it, thats it Jennie. How can I be happy knowing that you are one of the murderer family? Your uncle killed Alice!" She said as her voice getting deep

I felt my world suddenly crash down when I heard it. My heart started to beat faster and crazy, I couldn't utter a word and just stared at her. I felt my tears falling down on my cheeks. I shook my head slightly not accepting and believing what she just said. My heart was aching so badly. I was speechless. The pain was too much to bear that my whole body felt so weak.

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