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I finished my meeting and went straight to my room with Nancy follow me as she preparing my lunch on the table in the middle of the room, I put my things and sitting down on the couch. Everything feel so heavy and tiring, being a CEO has swallowed my whole life, my back was hurting after a fucking long sit in the meeting room because all the bussiness I had to handle it's not easy to deal with, I feel like a grandmother, my body hurts everywhere especially my head. I always keeping myself too much busy even when I'm eating

"You should get rid of the papers for a while and enjoy your meal Miss Kim..." Nancy said softly while I did not respond her because I was busy chewing my food while staring at my paperworks

"What do you want for drink Miss?"

"Orange juice..."

"Ok. Is there anything else you need, coffee or tea?"

"Buy me milk ice cream...."

"Yes, anything else Miss Kim?"


After finishing my lunch, Nancy come back to my room and gave me the ice cream I ordered her, the Ice cream was the same as Lisa gave me. I still wondering how could she possibly know about my favorite snacks. Nancy was about to left the room when I called her

"Nancy...." She stop her walks then turned to look at me again

"Yes Miss, is there something you need again?" Nancy asked politely while walking back toward my desk

"Did you eat the ice cream Lisa buy me?"

"Sorry miss I was having a little cold and cough so I didn't eat it, the ice cream was melting so I threw it away...." She said smiled teasingly

"Why are you smiling?" I said with annoyed tone

"Sorry Ms. Kim.."

I am a very private person and Nancy knows that very well so if she leaks my information to Lisa, I have to warn her as soon as possible before too late

"Well, last question, do you tell her I like milk Ice Cream? Don't lie to me Nancy, you know I hate it.." I said firmly

"No Miss, I swear I never tell anyone about you without your permission..." She quickly denied

"Alright, you can go now..."

"Hmm, Ms.Kim, do you like your lunch? How was is it?" She suddenly asked.

"It's good, but it's a bit different from what you usually buy for me, why?" I asked while looking at her suspiciously

"Nothing Miss. Just asking, umm one more thing Miss, Ms.Manoban tell me that she will come again tomorrow, she asked what do you want for lunch, she will buy it for you~" Nancy smiled widely this time.

She always smile widely and excited everytime she talked about Lisa. This fangirl!

"What the fuck this girl want from me?" I mumbled

"Don't EVER let her get into my room..." I commanded


It's been almost 2 week Lisa comes every day to my office with ice cream and other stuffs. Nancy always smile widely every time she entering my room while carryting the bag Lisa bought for me but I rejected all of them and give it to Nancy instead. Lisa know my favorite food, snacks, my clothes brand, even my favorite color. Yes, she knew everything about me, not even my family know about that.

My Unofficial Girlfriend (JENLISA - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now