15. Working Things Up 🚫

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I woke up being hugged by someone, I opened my eyes and Lisa still sleeping soundly beside me, I look at her face closer placed my hands on her cheeks and rubbed it gently with my thumbs. I amazed when I look at her, I admire the way she make me fall for her. Yeah I did fall in love with her, I am thankful that I realized it now.

"You were the best things happened to me ever since I lose interested in love, you made me feel it again"  I softly whispers

I moved a little bit reached for her forehead, and kissed it softly, before get up from my bed.

I called Jisoo Unnie on my way to the office . I was worry about her, I'm not sure what happened to her and her girlfriend, she must be feeling bad now.

"Unnie, are you okay?" I asked as long as she picked up the call

"No Jendeuk ahh, I messed up, I can't lose her, what should I do now" Unnie said with husky voice

"What exactly happening Unnie?" I asked again

"So, last night, I met an old friend my business friend, she stayed at one of my hotels and we was drinking together at her room, after that I thought I was drunk and fell asleep, but I'm sure I didn't do anything with her, we just slept together on the same bed but Rose saw us, and she didn't believe everything I said and break up with me" Unnie said explained

"Umm unnie, I don't know what to say, you make me remember about Nayeon, why are you doing the same things she did aiishhh" I said

"Yaahh paboo, I didn't do anything, don't equate me with your ex" She said annoyingly

"Mianheeee unnie. but Nayeon also said exactly the same as you that she doesn't do anything, she was drunk bla blaa, and you remember you told me not to trust her tsk tskk" I said teasing her

"What the hell, why should I have a cousin like you, so useless" Unnie said again

"Hahaha, are you still in Lisa's apartment? I can imagine your face right now, I wanna laugh" I said laughed at her

"Aiiishhhh so now you take revenge on me, you are so annoying just like your girlfriend. Where is she now? I need her but she fucking left me here. Is she seriously sleeping in your house? You two are really great Jennie yahhh!!" Unnie said angrily

"Alright unnie, Chill!! Ok!! Hahaha, Lisa still sleeping in my room and I am going to my office now, I will meet you after lunch. Ok bye" I said dropped the call


I woke up hearing someone knocked the door, I quickly got up from the bed opening the door and saw Jennie maid carrying a tray of food and some medicine.

"Miss Manoban, sorry for wake you up, Miss Kim ordered me to deliver you this breakfast and medicine" She said

"Thank you" I said as taking the food tray

Lisa, Sorry I didn't wake you up and went to the office, ate your breakfast and the medicine, you can rest in my room as long as you want, I'll meet you later, Ok"

My Unofficial Girlfriend (JENLISA - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now