29. Complete me

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*2 Month Ago*

♥Jennie Kim

"Hey you two, stop it" I shouted

"And who the fuck are you?" I angrily ask to the woman who looks similar with mask on her face and skullcaps

"Jennie, you are drunk, I will take your home.." The woman said as pulled off her mask

"Lisaa??" I confusedly said while blinking my eyes, I was too drunk and my eyes were blurry

"Nini.. Let's get out of here.." She said as grabbing me strongly and about to drag me away from the dance floor

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you" I said to her as pulls my hands off and walked towards Nayeon direction

There's were something was running in my head and it was my dissapointment to Lisa, and in that moment I can't think about anything else. Not in control, I found myself pulling Nayeon to me and kissed her. I felt my face heating up when my lips touches onto hers, Nayeon kissed me back without hesitation and in front of Lisa we kissed each other lips aggressively. Gosh, this could be only because effect of the alcohol, Nayeon and me was so drunk and my brain was controlling my action before my heart could. A mess? Yes I'm in a mess.

Suddenly, a sudden noise came, everyone was screaming loudly. I frozen for a second until I realized what was going on when Lisa smashed Nayeon face hard, Nayeon body slumping against the floor, I run into her hurriedly trying to pull her away from Nayeon.

"Lisa.. Lisa stop!!" I screamed loud making her turns around to look at me. Her eyes started to grow darker as she starting at me

"Are you going to kill her? Are you gangster? Or even a woman? Do you know how dangerous this is, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" I yelled. I was pissed off

"Come with me!!!" She yells back as reaching my hands

"No, we are over Lisa" I said firmly looking straight at her in the eyes.  Lisa didn't answer nor say something

"If you don't have a good intentions, please leave me. I'm tired~" I added as wiped my tears, I didn't want cry but the tears kept on coming

"I love you Lisa, you know I really do but I won't beg to stay with you again. If you don't wanna me be there, then don't" I said but Lisa remained in silence while her eyes on me, she took a small step and put her coat on my shoulder gently

"Don't come to the club just to get drunk and wear a thin clothes like this, take care of yourself Nini~" She said stared deep into my eyes and presses a soft kiss on my forehead in a loving wayy

"I love you too Jennie" She softly whispers as disconnected her lips from my forehead and those were her last word before leaving

(End of the Flashback)

It's been 2 months since Lisa left or it could be said she disappear. I always thinking about her, looking for her everywhere. Every once in a while,  there are nights that I cry so hard and there are nights that I'm happy and there are nights that I feel nothing at all. But there is never a nights that I don't think about her. I miss her so much. I miss everything about her. Loving her was the curse that made me drown completely.

I was sitting in the living room watching one of my favorite America Drama Stranger Things on Netflix when I hear my phone buzzed on the table. I grabbed my phone and hearing the voice from the other side of the line and it was Seulgi called me.

My Unofficial Girlfriend (JENLISA - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now