27. Give up

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For a years, I was scared falling in love. Somehow being scared is part of being alive, I don't want to get hurt more and for a long time love became something isn't easy for me to feel again, until the day Lisa came to my life and slowly grow that feeling inside my heart again. I thought having her by my side would end my fear but maybe not. She keep telling me that we wouldn't be able to be together? As being pushed away by someone you love. It hurt, its confusing, its complicated. I always try my best not to get really upset and start a fight with her everytime she makes me feel unwanted. Instead, I let her know that I'll always there for her, to help her feel less depressed out but it seems like being a Kim's family making her doubt everything I had done. It just never be enough.

And the thought of love is not always enough has come up again in my head. I have been in love only two time but it seems never work out. It wasn’t about a lack of love I had feel for them but simply the fact that sometimes you’re just not the right person for them.

'Jendeukiee..' Jisoo unnie called me as walked towards my direction.  I didn't answer. I still mad at her

'Jendeuukkk' She calls me again

'What??' I replied annoyed

'You look really scary when you are mad' She said faking a smile. I gave her death glare and continued to concentrate on my paperworks. 

'Mianheee Jennie ah~ I have been thinking all night long about Lisa and our family. And I think I'm wrong and you are right, Lisa need a justice. I will do other ways to protect our family without threatened Lisa, I promise you'

'What would you do?'

'I'll shut out all the media so they won't reports this case to the public. This also good for Lisa, I think this would ruin her if Netizen knows about her past and her biological father is the murderer'

'It's good' I answered simply still not in the mood talk to her for a while

'You are  being creepy right now, please tell me what should I do to make you forgive me?'

'There is nothing you can do. I just wanted to be alone'

'Is there something happens between you and Lisa? I didn't mean to mess your relationship, I'm really sorry Jennie ah' Unnie said regretfully

'Is not your fault. Even if you don't ask me I guess  I would still asked her to forgive her father. I didn't want revenge ruin her life. I wanna help her to get through it all together. But maybe I can't help anymore'


'I can't be the only one fighting Unnie'

'Jennie, Lisa probably just having a hard time managing her feelings, please don't give up on her'

'She makes me feel like, either to come closer or stay away and being in between that choices is very exhausting'

'Let's cheer up Jendeuk ah, maybe you both need a space for some times'


Revenge. A simple seven letter word. But this word has ruined many lives. It tortures our mind and turns us into a monster. What a pity! I am one of the victims. Another painful nights has passed. I cry so hard that I felt my body aches after Jennie left.  I called her so many times but she ignoring my calls. I opened my eyes and shake my head hard and shove my head in my pillow and scream loud so that nobody can hears me. I need to see her today but I have a schedule for photoshoot with Elle magazine. I grabs my phone and dialed Jennie number again but she still don't want to pick up!

My Unofficial Girlfriend (JENLISA - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now