13. Jealousy (2)

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I went out from the club immediately goes to my van which was always waiting for me outside with my manager oppa and my bodyguard when I have some privacy time. Actually I'm not allowed drinking around the club outside the room. Because people will recognized me easily and take my pictures without permission.

I just sat on the car thinking about what I have done and said to Jennie earlier. Yes, I'm trying to avoid her now as much as I can. I can't let myself fall for her more and more. I'll never forget the first time she looked at me and how I fell in love with her it's just I'm having difficultly dealing with my jealousy. I don't know how to let my anger and hurt go.

I was worry about Jennie, I have not seen her leave the club and Seulgi. Where is her? Oh my god this bitch. I take out my phone from my pocket and called her.

"Where are you stupid?" I said as soon as she picked up the call

"Yaahh you fucking idiot, why did you leave your girl alone here, she drinking at the bartander's table with some men who trying to seduces her" Seulgi said yelled because the music inside the club was so loud.

"Holy shit!! What the fuck are you doing Jennie!!" I cursed and immediately get out from the car

"Oppa let's go inside" I said to manager oppa hurriedly

I entered the club with my manager and bodyguard, I saw Seulgi standing not so far from the bartender's table

"Where's Jennie??" I asked curiously

"There!!" Seulgi said pointing at where Jennie was sitting

Actually my head was hurt because the effects of alcohol I drank, I saw one men sitting with her and he was talking with Jennie, and the other one standing beside her can't take his eyes off looked at Jennie body from head to toe, Jennie takes off her suit and only wear  white thin t-shirt that showed her neck and collarbone clearly, she doesn't look like a business woman, she looks sexy and hot. I tried to hold back myself looking at her with those man, I had to control myself. I don't want caused a problems here.

"Oppa brings Jennie to me, here right now" I ordered my bodyguard

I looked at her with Seulgi from distance, my bodyguard tried to pull Jennie out of her seat but she ignoring them, and I saw one of the man taking advantage of pretending to protect her from my bodyguard by touching her. This really hard for me to holding back my jealousy, I can't calm myself everytime seeing her with others. My blood boils and feels like it's about to spill up if I keep seeing her there was touched by those man. I stands up from my seat but Seulgi grabbed my arm.

"No Lisa, you can't go there. Don't fight them, you will get trouble" She said worriedly

"I won't fight them if they stop touching my girl" I said angrily and walking away approaching Jennie

"What are you doing here Jennie?" I said calmly trying to hold back, Jennie looks a little shocked and those man looked at me directly with their pervert face

"None of your business" She answered coldly

"Woww DJ LM, you're performing tonight? I can't believe seeing you here this close, you looks cool!" One of the man said

I sighs "Jennie, let's go back to the room if you want drink, not here. Let's go!!" I said again ignoring the man as trying to hold Jennie hands but the man was blocked my way so I pushed him hard made him fall to the floor making everyone there looks at us instantly.

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