19. I Love You Too 🚫

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It's been 3 days Lisa was in Japan, she will send a cheesy message to me when she's not busy and called me at night before going to bed. She always say she missed and love me almost every day and many times a day, she make me smile so effortlessly everyday after having a tired day in office.

There was something about Lisa that just pulled me like a magnet. I realize that the more time I spent with her, the more I would just fall for her and want to get closer and closer to her. I want to say "I love you" to her, I do love her, the problem is I was not ready to say it. I think I was cold hearted to say such a thing.

I have ever had my heart broken and it make me harder to open up about my feelings again. It's felt like it was in protection mode. I could say a thousand words, but I couldn't saying straight that "I love you" to Lisa. I couldn't expressing my feeling easily for now.

Today she told me she would go to Thailand to see her mom. She sounds unhappy everytime I asked or talked about her mom. Maybe they had a bad relationship after Alice death, she once said to me that her stepfather and mother hated her.

"Jennie, I miss you"

I was in my office doing some work with Jisoo Unnie while texting with Lisa. I automatically smile after read the messages without realizing Jisoo unnie saw me amused.

"You looks like an idiot" Unnie said shook her head

"Yaa~ unnie, you also like this when you dating Rose" I said complained

She sighs. "I lost her Jennie" Unnie said sadly

"Unnie, is there nothing you can do to get her back?" I asked

"I don't know, I've begged her, I've done everything to keep our relationship, but she just easily ends it. The relationship we've built for 2 years is like nothing for her, I know it's all my fault but she's just hurting my feeling for not trusting me like this" Unnie said desperately

"Unnie, you should make her believe that you are not cheating" I said cheer her up

"You know Jendeuk what she told me when we were in Lisa apartment?" Unnie said

"What did she say?" I answered back curiously

"She said that It's possible to build a better relationship after one has cheated, can you believe that?" Unnie sighed hopelessly

"Mhhmm... So complicated" I said

After the conversation we continue our work, Unnie will build a new hotel to give it to Hanbin. Unnie might hate her stepfather and her mother but she loves Hanbin like her real younger brother, and also Hanbin didn't know that he was a stepbrother because he used Kim's surname in his name since he was born.

There are some secrets about Jisoo Unnie family that I know and can't tell because everyone has a secret they keep from anyone to look after the others they care about.


After a tiring day Jisoo and Jennie decided to have dinner with Irene and Seulgi. Jennie and Jisoo was really shocked when Irene told them that she and Seulgi are a couple for 2 weeks already.

"Wowww new coupleeee" Jisoo said clapping when she saw Irene and Seulgi coming together

"What a beautiful couple~" Jennie said smiled

"Stop teasing, I don't want to make you look sadder seeing us" Irene said teasingly

"Bitch~ I told you I'm fine now" Jisoo said sarcastically

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