12. Jealousy

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"Miyeon ah, I'm sorry. I have to go back to the company, my manager called me. I will see you again next time okay" Rose said

"It's okay Chaeng ah, thank you for spending your time, I know you must be busy" Miyeon said

"I'll see you again, don't forget to call me okay, Lisa I'll go first, byee guys" Rose said leaving

"Lisa Oppa, are you okay? Why you don't eat your food? Does your head still hurt? You look so drunk last night" Miyeon said worriedly as touches my forehead

"I'm okay Miyeon ah, it's just that I don't really like eat Ramen" Lisa said sighed

"Why didn't you tell me, I miss Korean Ramen that's why I asked you to eat here. Well, let's go to another place, how about pizza?" Miyeon asked smiled at Lisa sweetly

"Exactly, that's my favorite" Lisa said getting up from her seat, they walked towards the cashier as Miyeon wrapped her hand around Lisa's arm, Miyeon is being clingly to Lisa.

After arrived at Pizza Restaurant, Miyeon and Lisa seat at the corner waiting for their food coming.

"Lisa, you're here!!" Irene said as walked closer to Lisa and Miyeon table

"Oh hey Irene you are here too, you alone?" Lisa asked, but then she was suprised to see Jennie and Jisoo also here

"I'm here with Jennie and Jisoo. You finished eating?" Irene asked

"No, we just came and were waiting for our food" Lisa answered as rolling her eyes looking for Jennie

"Irene, our table is right there, I'm starving, and I don't like it when my stomach hurt" Jennie said annoyingly to Irene and glared at Lisa

"Jendeuk ah, let's sit here with Lisa" Jisoo said pulled Jennie forcedly to sit at the same table with Lisa and Miyeon.

"Jen, are you okay?" Irene asked Jennie whispered

"Uhmm" Jennie mumbled

"Looks like your mood changing so bad now" Jisoo said teased Jennie

"Ehem ehem Lisa, are you not going to introduce us to the beautiful girl beside you?" Irene asked Lisa curiously

"Oh yes this is Miyeon, we are friends when we were trainer with Rose too, and she just coming back from Australia yesterday" Lisa answered

"Hi guys, I'm Miyeon, nice to meet you" Miyeon said smiled widely

"Hi Miyeon, I'm Jisoo, Rose girlfriend, this is Irene, and that's my cousin Jennie" Jisoo introduces

"Woahh, so you are Chaeng girlfriend, we eating with her a while ago but because Lisa Oppa didn't like eating ramen so we coming here and you're so pretty Jisoo" Miyeon said happily

"Thanks Miyeon ah, you are so pretty too but Lisa oppa?" Jisoo furrowed her eyes confusedly

"Ahh that!! She always called me like that since we were trainer tsk tsk" Lisa responded make Miyeon giggles

"Because she so naughty when she was young, looks like a boy, and she always taking care of all the pretty girl in the company, player oppa" Miyeon said giggled

"Oh my god, stop it Miyeon ah" Lisa said try to close Miyeon mouth with her hand


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