5. More than Just Special

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I grabbed my phone from the nightstand as soon as I open my eyes, I turn it on and look at my notification, to my surprise I had a alot of missed calls and all of them it was from Lisa

"Umm, is there something bad happens to her? A bad dream? Aniyaa, I think she's just spaming me to get my attention? This annoying immature girl" I mumbled

I quickly got up from my bed went to the bathroom. Dressed up with White Tee and Black Jeans with expensive Black Suit from CHANNEL, I drove myself to the company. I let out out a sigh thinking about I had a lot of work in Monday.

Time passes very quickly, I was busy and didn't realized lunch time has passed too, my eyes got tired and my stomach alreadg growling, I haven't eat my lunch and I was about to steps out to get my lunch then I hear the door open, it was Jisoo Eonnie and my eyes widened as I see Lisa walks together with her

What the hell is Lisa and Eonnie doing here together? This two crackheads will ruin my days

I frowned while looked at them entering my room, they both walking straight to the couch in the middle of this room then sit there as immediately taking out the food they bought all over the table

I look at them irritably "Yahh Eonnie~~ do you think this is a cafe?" I protested

"Jendeukieee, don't stress yourself too much, you are look like a middle aged ahjumaa, come here and have a lunch with us..." Eonnie said carelessly as opened the box of pizza and fried chicken

This Eonnie of mine was so obsessed with chicken, she never get tired eating those chikin almost everyday

"What are you two doing here together at my office?" I said annyongingly as raised my brow looking at those two whose was busy eating their food especially Jisoo unnie. Her mouth was so full of food and I bet she can't even speak or answer me now.

"Ahh I almost forget why I'm here because of this chikiinn!! I come to tell you that my birthday next week will be held in Busan and you have to come. I will pick you up and we are going together to the airport, bring some clothes, we will stay one night there" Unnie said explained

"But unniee...." I haven't finished my words but she cut me off

"No but jendeukiee, come here fast! Lunch with us, Nancy told me you haven't eat your lunch yet. Paliiiii palliii, the food is getting cold, leave those paperworks aisshhh"

I sighing deep while massages my forehead then walked toward them and sitting down slowly beside Unnie while glance at Lisa. She sat right in front of me, she stared at me sharply but somehow the eyes look something troubed. Her eyes was showing some sadness. Did something bad really happened to her last night when she called me so many times, she looks different. She looks sad and or angry.

Is she angry that I ignore her messages and calls?. I thought

Ahh I don't care, my head was started to dizzy because I'm hungry. I grabs one piece Pizza from the table and eat it.

"Lisa, you come too, Rose invited you. She will be happy if you also go there" Unnie asks Lisa and smirked at me. Wtf.

My Unofficial Girlfriend (JENLISA - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now