18. Jealousy (3)

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I walked to the living room where Hanbin was watching movie. I sat next to him and get a glass, poured the whiskey and drink it straight. I looked at him, he looks so drunk, his eyes half open, his face are so red.

"Yaaa paboooo,  are you drunk?" I asked

"Ahmhhmm~~" He hummed

"You use to be the one telling me not to get drunk and now look at you, tsk tsk" I said as shaking my head

"You know Jennie Kim, I wanna tell you  the truth, I really hateeeeeeeeeee it when I have to write a songs when I am heartbroken, I'm may be talented but I feel like I'm not cute enough, that girl didn't want me hahahha" He said sadly while laughed like an idiot

"Yah, you're so handsome why you have to be cute. What exactly those women want again from you, you are handsome, rich and you can makes a lot of romantic song for them" I said

"Because they didn't love me, they just didn't want to be alone, how about you? Are you also one of this type of girls? He  asked suddenly

"No, I love her..." I said confidently

"Uwaaahh Noona, good for you, but you know, a player will still be a player if they are not around you! *hiccup*" He said

"W-whatt do you mean?" I asked curiously

"Uhmm you know, because they used to flirt a lot with different girl, it's becomes something addicted. So it will be difficult for them to control themselves to refuse that, you know what I mean *winkwink* especially if someone seduces them hotly *hiccup*" He said with his eyes half closed

"Yah!! Why are telling me this now, Lisa is in Japan and  a woman picked up her phone when I called her earlier" I said

"Nahhh, they must be having fun on the bed right now, I know she's player *hiccup*" He said again, now his eyes are fully closed

"Shit!! Talking to drunk people like you makes me even more annoyed" I said as quickly got up from my seat went to my room

I sit on the bed slowly because Jisoo Unnie is asleep, I leaned on the backboard staring at my phone with so much thought.

Do I have to call her again? Is she really doing that? Sex? Or maybe real Photoshoot?

Arrrghhh!! This brat!! Hanbin words messed up my mind. I turned on my phone again. And dialled Lisa number as got up from the bed walked to the balcony.

She didn't picked up. What the hell she is doing ?  I dialled her number one more time impatiently and God!!! finally she picked up

"Uhmm yes honey.." She said breathlessly

"Why is your voice like that? Yahhh Lalisaaaa!!! What are you doing there?" I asked raising my voice

"W-what do you mean, I told you I have photoshoot and I'm tired that's why" She said explained

"I doubt your words, don't lie" I said angrily

"Oh my god Jennie, I'm doing a photoshoot with Krunk" She said

"Krunk? Who is she? Japanese girl? It sounds like a Thai name?  Is she a model?" I asked

"Are you jealous? Honey you are so cute when you are jealous like this~" Lisa said chuckled

"Answer me!! Who is she??" I yelled at her

"Yayaya~~ calm down, yes she is a model, we are doing a photoshoot together, I will tell you but please don't get mad? Promise?" Lisa said with serious tone

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