23. I Miss You

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Lisa mother is an ordinary woman from Bangkok who spent her whole life in Korea worked as waitress at local cafe. She fall in love with her co-worker named Kwon Jiyoung and gets married. Everything was going perfect till after one year of their wedding. Lisa mother found out that Jiyoung lying at her. Before they even get married. Jiyoung already have a child and Lisa mother ended up dirvocing him.

Kwon Jiyoung really loves her but because of his poor life he had no choice to have an affair with a rich married woman. Lisa mother then back to Thailand after the divorce and giving birth there. When Lisa was only 5 months old she remarried to one of the wealthy families in Thailand, the Manoban. Kwon Jiyoung is filled with anger and hatred. And at one point he wanted to revenge on Lisa mother by kidnapping Lisa and her sister. He knew Lisa is his daughter that's why the kidnapper didn't hurt her. And all of Lisa nightmares started there.


I finished off getting ready for bed after Jennie leaving. I closed my eyes slowly tried to push Jennie away from my thought. I rolled my body to the side and suddenly I heard my phone buzzing. I held the phone up in front of my face. And it was text from Jennie. My heart started to beat a little faster as I forced myself to open the message.

From Jennie :

Just call me if you need me. I may mad at you for treated me like this but I will always there for you because I love you Lisa. I miss you baby and good night ❤

I sighing deeply after reading the text. I don't know what is it she have done to me. She always caused me to feel in such a crazy way. My heart started to beat really fast and harder with the thought of her on my mind. I miss her as well and I feel bad about treating her like this but I can't figured out the right things I should do for now, for me, for Jennie, and for us. I really hate myself for being so weak.

Actually I don't want to be alone. I want her to stay. Without her I felt broke like I'm a half of a whole, without her its reminds me again how lonely I am. I have been so cold my whole life and she is my fire. Why Am I hurting myself like this? Why Lisa? Why can't you just leave all your past and run to her ?

Am I depressed? Yes because I'm weak. Am I suicidal? Yes because I'm crazy. Am I hurt? Yes because it was too hard me. Have I tried to end it? Yes but I just can't. Do I want to keep this pain? No because this killing me slowly.

It's enough if it is just me, just me who have to take all this pain and guilt being Kwon Jiyoung family because how much I want to change it, I can't change that he is my father. I don't wanna feel quilty even more again to Alice with the thought about me and Jennie being together. Am I wrong?


I jolted up out of my bed and walked to the kitchen hurriedly because I heard some noise in my kitchen and to my surprise, I thought it was a stranger or thief. But it was Jennie. I don't even know where Jennie get my door password. This definitely Rosie got it for her from Joy. Because as you know Joy is so whipped for Rose, she will do whatever Rose asked her

I shook my head as walked closer to her while looked at her perfect figure from behind. She was busy cooking something and its smell good

"What are you doing here?" I said and she turned her body instantly

"You wake up. Mmm..I'm here to see you and made a breakfast for you" She said showing her gummy smile. That's was so cute

"Jennie, I told you, you don't ha...." I said but she cut me off

My Unofficial Girlfriend (JENLISA - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now