Nightmares (part one)

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i shot up breathing heavy, looking around i realized i was in my room. i plopped down onto my back "it was just a dream..." i've had this same dream- well nightmare every night sense it happened, but i never got this far in it before i woke up. i got up and walked into shiros room, finding him awake as well.

"nightmare?" he asked not even looking up.

u sighed and sat down beside him "yep... what about you why are you up? your almost never up..."

"i... i had a nightmare too.. but i saw you... i saw every move you took... i even saw everything falling apart... i saw you shoot up out of sleep breathing heavy... and that's when i woke up... it's like.. i'm having the dream with you..." he sounded so confused..

"that... that's weird..." we just sat there in silence, until his alarm went off making us jump. "w-well we should get ready.." i got up and walked out of the room, heading for my bathroom. i turned on the shower and let it warm up while i used the bathroom, jumping in after i was done. i finished rather quickly and walked back to my room in a towel.

i walked in and saw shirk sitting on my bed, fully dressed with his hair still wet(they have their own bathrooms) "what are you doing?" i asked as i walked over to my closet, grabbing my black hoodie and jeans, i threw them on my bed and walked over to my dresser.

"tell me about your nightmare." his voice was dull, no emotion in it. i froze, he's heard this story a million times- "and tell me what you did when you first woke up."

pulling a rainbow pair of boxers out of my dresser i said "well... i started out at the very front of the hospital- don't look at me i'm getting dressed- and walked inside." i slid on my boxers, "i ran over to the reception desk and asked for... our dads room number. after a few minutes of looking she found him and told me." i put on my pants and walked back over to the closet realizing i forgot my shirt, "i sprinted towards the elevator, and jumped in with a old couple. i hit the floor number, not making any conversation with the old people, not even when they asked who i was going to see." i grabbed my plain black shirt and put it on, walking back to the bed "when we got to the floor i sprinted into his room, seeing him laying lifeless on the bed." i never knew the true reason that he was killed until this moment... and i realized why i didn't remember... why it took all these years to finally remember.. "and... i walked over to him... lifting the cover off his chest... i wasn't suppose to do that.... i saw... bullet holes... i sprinted back out of the room, terrified... i knew what they were going to do to me... and that's when i woke up. I shot up in bed breathing heavy and said 'it was just a dream' before i plopped back down thinking." i stopped talking and didn't saw another word. i grabbed my shoes and walked out of the room, leaving a extremely shocked shiro behind. i slid my socks and red converse on, before standing back up and making some food. i knew shiro would be hungry so i made him some food, as well as a drink.

i walked back upstairs to see him laying down on my bed. i walked over to him and sat down "i made you some food, eggs and bacon." he looked over at me and i offered a smile. he smiled back and sat up.

"thank you keith... thank you.." he hugged me and i hugged back, knowing that we both needed it,

"now come on we'll be late if you don't start eating." standing up, we walked downstairs together, and went to the kitchen. "i'm gunna go wake mom up, and make sure she is ready for work." i walked down the hallway to my mothers room, after knocking on her door and getting no answer i walked in, i saw her still in bed so i woke her up, made sure she was up, and then left the room.

time skip to before they leave

"keith i got your bag let's go!" shiro called back to me, making me jump up off the couch. i heard the door slam as i hugged my mom goodbye.

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