Hanahaki Disease

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Sorry it's been so long since my last update, to much shit goin on in my life to be able to. Hope you like my story though :)

I sat in the back of my class, ignoring everything the teacher said. I looked over at lance, my crush and best friend since middle school, he was sitting with his girlfriend of a year, Allura.

I frowned looking back down at my journal, going back to my drawing. I looked over at the picture he asked me to draw, it was of him and Allura at the beach together. A big smile on his face, Allura kissing him on the cheek.

A cough fell past my lips, but I just ignored it, going back to drawing. Normally I enjoy drawing for lance, but he always gives me pictures of them together. Not me and him anymore. Another couple of coughs fell past my lips, but this time something fell from my lips and onto the drawing. Oh shit

My eyes widened looking at the bloody petal, I dropped my hand on it and looked around. Nobody even spared a glance, I let out a sigh of relief, which turned into more coughing. My eyes filled with tears as I quickly motioned at the door for pidge and jumping out of my seat, sprinting out of class. Pidge following close behind, lance giving a worried look.

I ran to the bathroom, turning back to see pidge right there with me, and lance right outside of the classroom door. I looked at him, fear clear in my eyes, pidge looked back, realizing why I looked so scared.

I quickly went into the bathroom and ran into one of the stalls, throwing up blood red petals, tears streaming down my face. I felt someone pull my hair into a ponytail before they squared down beside me, rubbing my back "it'll be okay keith... we'll get through this."

I let out a weak chuckle, shaking my head, "he only using me for drawings pidge." My voice was raspy, sounded awful. "He only cares for her." I gagged, more petals falling from my lips.

"Don't talk like that keith... you know it will just make things worse.." they answered, "you never know, he could like you. He may just be afraid that you don't like him back—,"

"He's been with Allura for a year, you really think he could stop like me?" I growled, voice deep gross and mean. I gagged again, more tears falling down my face.

My eyes widened, remembering the petal that fell onto my desk in class, "pidge— there's a petal on my journal in the classroom. And my journals open.." i looked over at them, seeing their eyes wide.

"Fuck" was all she said before she jumped up and ran away. Another wave hit me, hard and quick. So much blood fell from my lips, petals falling down to the ground. I shakily stood, walking to the bathroom door, and shut it. Locking it. I felt another wave coming soon, my head spinning.

I fell to the ground, a sob falling back my lips. I heard the knob on the door jingle, before a knock came, "Keith?" I heard pidges worried voice. I didn't answer, another sob falling past my lips as I laid my head on the ground.

"Keith please!!" She was banging on the door by now, I could tell I had blacked out for a couple seconds, my head laying in a puddle of blood and petals.

"Keith? What's wrong with keith?" I heard shiros voice, I felt a sharp pain in my side and let off a yelp-scream thing, looking down. My knife from my inside pocket had cut open my side.

"It's happening again." And just like that, the banging got louder, I let out a whimper. I pushed myself up onto my shaky legs, and unlocked the door, opening it. I fell onto shiro, holding onto his shirt as I cried. I pulled up my shirt, showing off my stomach where it was cut.

"Keith...." shiros voice was soft, "Pidge call 911." She nodded, pulling out her phone. I looked around, seeing a lot of people standing in the hallway with shocked looks, some looked scared, some were crying. My eyes locked with lance, making another petal push past my lips. I watched as a tear fell down his face, watched as he pushed Allura off of him.

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