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part two of liar~

as we were leaving lance started to whimpered, and shake. i walked into a random room, took a cover and wrapped it around him before carrying on.

when we got outside i saw a bunch of guards waiting for us. i whistled for kosmo who teleported over to us, he wrapped his tail around us and teleported us to the black lion, i sat lance in the chair, and slid my helmet on, "guys?.... guys come on this is important!" no answer. i growled. picking lance back up i set him down on the makeshift bed i had before going back to the controls, and sitting down.

i set my hands on the handles and closed my eyes, opening them a couple of seconds later, connecting with black.

he roared out, red did too. i turned back to see lance sitting up with his eyes closed "you doing ok?" he opened his eyes and nodded. "you sure??"

"yea... just... a little sore.." i stood up and walked over to him, squatting down, i hugged him and he hugged back.

i pulled away and looked at him, "i'm not the best but i'll try..." i whispered before standing up, grabbing my helmet and getting back in my seat, i put on my helmet and said "anyone there?" no answer. red and black roared again, louder this time, shaking the ground around us.

"what's goin on!?" i heard shiro say over through the coms "Keith? what the hell!?" i heard pidge "holy crap what!?" i heard hunk, "what the quiznak!?" i heard allura.

"all of you get you asses to your fucking lions. we're leaving. now." i growled, fucking pissed before turning off my mic.

"why?" "keith why?" "why isn't lance talking?" "keith!" "we should probably hurry..." "keith? why what happened!?"

i didn't hear anyone until i heard all the lions roar, "keith what's happening?"

i turned on my mic, "were leaving. that's what's happening." (btw shiro ran to the closest lion and got on korola did as well)

"But why!?" he was obviously getting annoyed, but i ignored him.

"do we have everyone?"

"yep" "yea" "yea" "yes" "yep" they said at the same time, yeses coming from the background as well.

"go-," i was cut off by hunk, "wait where's lance?" i thought for a second before turning off my mic and standing up walking over to lance, "dont tell them you with me, just act like your in red to way they don't ask what happened... ok?" he nodded as i handed him his helmet.

"i'm here..." his voice was soft but able to be heard, i smiled at him, before standing up and walking back to my seat.

"why'd we have to leave so quickly? we didn't even get a chance to say goodbye..." hunk remarked

"beca-," lance started but i ran over and covered his mouth shaking my head no.


i turned on my mic "it's not important" my mouth was laced with lies but i didn't care.

"if it's not important then i'm going back!" pidge yelled, turning back, but she was pushed by the red lion. it growled at her. "what the hell lance! get the fuck outta my way!" she yelled

"your not going back." i growled.

"and why the hell not?" she asked

"BECAUSE YOUR JUST NOT!!" i yelled slamming my hands down, luckily lances mic was off. i heard whimpering from behind me, and looked at lance seeing him shaking. i quickly ran over and threw off my helmet, "sorry.... did i scare you..?" he nodded, "i'm sorry... i didn't mean to, pidge was just getting on my nerves..."

he nodded his head, "why don't you lay down and get some rest? i'll wake you up when we get to the castle ok?" again, he nodded.

i stood back up and grabbed my helmet "KEITH!?" pidge screamed "gah, what?"

"who were you talking to?"

i hummed, "nobody."

"no no no, i definitely heard you talking to someone..." "me too.." "yea same" "yea" "mhu"

"it was no one." i knew they'd be able to tell that i was lying but might as well try right?

"who was it keith." shiro growled.

"it's not important." he growled again, and started to say something but i ripped off my helmet and threw it, not bothering to turn off my mic.

time skip just got back to the castle~

"keith..." lance whimpered from behind me, i stood up and walked over to him

"yea?" i whispered squatting down. "it hurts.." he whined, gripping onto my shirt

"woah.. uhm hey it'll be ok..." i pulled him into my lap hugging him, i heard him sniffling so i pulled back and looked at him, seeing tears streaming down his face, "oh lance..." i whispered and brought him back into the hug, "it'll be ok... it'll all be ok..." i slowly stood up, holding him by the bottoms of his legs(he's still covered by the cover btw) and started to walk out.

"keith... what are you going to tell them?" lance whispered against my neck.

"if they ask anything i'll just keep walking- if they ask if it's you.. i'll say no... alright??" i whispered setting my head on his.

"thank you..." he whispered, snuggling up closer, i could tell i was blushing like crazy, but fuck it.

i walked out of black and was bombarded with questions, ignoring them all until pidge screamed "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" and slammed her foot into the ground, resulting in lance whimpering. i rubbed his back, and kept walking, "so... who's that?" pidge asked, "is it a girl~?" i froze and turned around.

"bitch i'm gay as fuck.. well i'm bi but like same difference." before i turned back around and ran. i heard pidge screamed "I KNEW IT" i heard hunk scream "MOTHER OF GOD"

i heard allura... mutter "disgusting." i froze for a second before i ran to my room and set down lance. "stay here... don't answer the door for anyone but me ok? i'm going to lock it..." he nodded his head and i left. i stomped back to the lion hanger, sadly in my galra form.

but i don't care i was pissed. allura looked at me wide eyed, shiro looked scared, pidge looked.. normal and so did hunk. i walked over to allura and grabbed her, "want to explain why you called me disgusting after i said i was gay." she didn't answer, "DO YOU!?" i screamed slamming her against the wall.


"so now you hate me even more than you did before now don't you? because finding out i was galra- now finding out i'm bi- TWO THINGS THAT YOU HATE!!" i screamed at her before i threw her to the ground and left the room, leaving everyone shocked. i turned back around and looked at them, and realized i was crying.

i walked back in and over to allura, helping her up, "oh and by the way, the reason that we had to leave is because SOMEBODY was raped by lotor." i growled at her, "i can't believe you actually trusted him." i growled and turned away, walking back to my room.

"lance? let me in..." i heard whimpering, "lance..."

the door opened, and i walked in. i shut the door and relocked it. "Lance.. come here.." slowly he walked over to me, i looked him up and down before lifting him up. i walked into the bathroom and carefully sat him down on the toilet, walking over to the bath turning it on.

he dropped the cover, and sat his hand on my shoulder. i turned and looked at him, yelping when i realized he had dropped the cover. I turned and looked back at the tub, "Yea?"

"W-Why are you b-being s-so nice...? i still d-dont u-und-understand it??" i sighed, and looked back at him, attempting not to look down...

"I have my reasons." we locked eyes before i turned back, i turned off the water and stood up, "i'll be out there if you need me." i started to walk out but he grabbed my wrist.


Andddddd done. you guys wanted a part two so i made one!🙃
i know it's not the best, but my mind kept wondering so sorry about that... still hope you guys like it though!

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