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A.N. Tom Sykes is now played by Josh Duhamel


6 months

That's how long it's been since everything happened. 6 months since I broke things off with Steve and 6 months since the Avengers broke up.

HQ is quiet now, not a lot going on seen as half the team has disappeared and with Clint and Scott being on house arrest too.

The letters from Steve faded after about a month, probably realising I wasn't going to answer any of them so just left me alone. The letters he did send I didn't open, apart from the first one of course.

I kept all of them though, at home (Avengers Tower), where I haven't been for weeks. It's been too hard to go back and lay in my bed and not cry over Steve no longer being next to me. I hated it, I hated every second. So I either stayed at HQ or with Tom, trying to avoid as much Steve related stuff as possible. Tom was very nice about it all, letting me stay whenever I felt like it.

Every time I thought Steve my heart would hurt. I couldn't stand even smelling him as it brought it all back again.

Every picture of us together, I packed away. I couldn't bring myself to get rid of them, because even after what he did, how he treated me and Tony, I still loved him. I mean, it's Steve. He would have go into dangerous territory for me not to love him anymore. I guess that's why it hurts so much, I still loved him despite everything.

My phone buzzing on my desk interrupted and stopped my thoughts of Steve.

From; Tones <3

You still coming to the party tonight? x

I sighed, typing my reply.

To; Tones <3

Of course buddy, wouldn't miss it x

Tonight was Tony and Pepper's engagement party. Turns out his proposal wasn't just a throw away thing, he actually meant it, and Pepper said yes!

Underneath my undying happiness for my best friend, I couldn't help but feel a bit of hurt, just a little. I realised quite quickly I'd need to do wedding stuff with Pepper, which included venues and dresses. I knew it would feel awful doing them things knowing I was so close to having it all, but I felt even worse feeling that way when I should be happy for Tony and Pepper.

I am happy for them, of course I am, don't ever think I'm not. But with that said, I can't help but feel a sting seeing them so excited and happy. I mean, I should have had that. But god damn Steve ruined everything.

From; Tones <3

Good, would hate for you to miss out on tipsy Pepper ;) x

I gave a little smile. Tipsy Pepper was a rarity, and I wasn't going to miss the one time she may come out.

My door then burst open, Tom rushing in.

"I found him." My heart jumped at his words. "I found Strange." My heart dropped slightly. For a second, I thought he was going to say he found Steve, but he didn't. That teaches me to keep my hopes up about him.

"Where?" I asked, standing up from my desk, ready to move.

"A place called The Sanctum. People saw someone of his description walking in and out there constantly. We should check it out asap. I kinda need time to prepare for tonight."

"Fair enough, let's go." I grabbed my leather jacket from the back of my chair and headed out with Tom walking next to me.

I hadn't seen Stephen since before his accident, so I wondered what he was doing at this sanctuary place. I wondered if he was there for treatment for his injuries to his hands.

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