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-Brooklyn, New York-

"Are you sure you're going to be okay on your own?" Ashley spoke down the phone to her husband as she walked down a busy street

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"Are you sure you're going to be okay on your own?" Ashley spoke down the phone to her husband as she walked down a busy street. It was one of the very few days she could find time to head into the city as the past months had been some of the hardest working of her life. It had to be if she wanted everything to work out the way she wanted it to. She fought like a Gomez, earning everything she got.

"Yes! I can handle an hour or two. Hang up and go have a good time." She heard Steve say on the other end.

"I will. But I want you call me if you come into trouble, okay?" She told him as she came upon the very familiar diner she was aiming for. "I'm not that far away."

"I'm not going to set the whole house on fire if that's what you're worried about."

"It's not that at all. I just want to make sure you know what you're doing."

"Ash, I do. I listened at the meetings, I took notes. I have her, you go and relax."

"If I wanted to relax, I would choose a vacation in Italy, not having lunch with the twins." Ashley retorted, which earned a chuckle from Steve.

"Harsh but true."

"When do you think we can do that? A vacation."

"Not yet, probably. Couple more months and we can have a look."

"A vacation in Italy sounds so good. I haven't been for years and years."

"All the more reason to go."

"Exactly. We can talk about it when I get home. I'm coming up the diner now. I'll uh, text you when I'm coming home." She let him know as she opened the door to the diner and walked inside. She quickly waved to the owner, her old friend Luis and looked around for the people she was meeting.

"Okay. Have fun. I love you."

"I love you too." She said with a smile he couldn't see, before she hung up and put her phone in her bag to walk to a table with four people on it. "Sorry, I'm late." She said to the group, setting her bag over the back of the chair at the top of the table then sitting down.

"Oh, no worries." Ollie waved her off, handing her a menu. "We were waiting for you to order anyway."

"Oh, you didn't have to. Luis could probably guess what I want and get it right without even asking."

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