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It all seemed quiet in a room situated in the palace of Asgard, until Thor, Rocket and Ashley landed inside it. Upon landing, Ashley stumbled a bit but managed to catch herself on a pillar nearby.

"Jesus, that's a killer." She complained, craning her neck as the quantum realm suits began to disappear from their bodies. "Did it work?" She asked, looking around before checking the device on her wrist.

"Seems so." Rocket replied, looking around the very fancy room they were in. The whole place reminded Ashley of medieval castles, just with a bit more gold and magical elements to it.

"Yeah, this is right. Follow me." Thor told them, opening the door to the room and checking the coast was clear before they all left. Thor lead them carefully through the castle, which happened to have them sneak past a bored Loki in a holding cell. Ashley kept her eyes on him as they went past, her feelings being mixed about him. She will never forget what he did to New York or what he did to Coulson, but according to Thor, Loki had changed since then, and before Thanos killed him, he was helping Thor and Bruce with saving Asgard from their sister, Hela. If Thor and Bruce could forgive him, maybe Ashley could do.

They then made their way to a big open part of the castle, walking down a corridor with many pillars and statues placed here and there.

"I don't know what I expected Asgard to look like but this is absolutely beautiful." Ashley commented as she looked around, admiring a statue they were passing.

"Now's not the time for distractions, abs galore." Rocket told her.

"I swear, if you don't stop calling me that-"

"Sssh." Thor put up his finger and motioned for them to hide behind a pillar with him. They did as such, as the room with the Aether in was at the top end of the corridor. And from where they stood, they could see Jane Foster at the door with a robe over her arm, talking to an Asgardian maid who was at the door.

"Um, do you have anything with pants?" Jane asked the maiden.

"Pants?" The Maiden questioned back, not knowing what pants were.

"Never mind. These will be fine. Thank you." Jane nodded to the maiden then went back into the room and shut the big door behind her.

"All right." Rocket spoke when he saw the maiden go out of ear shot and looked to Thor. "Here's the deal, tubby. You're gonna charm her, I'm going to use this thing-" he held up a device made to pull the aether out of Jane. "-and extract the Reality Stone and get gone lickety-split." But Thor was little overwhelmed by seeing Jane again, and looked to be not so into their plan anymore.

"I'll be right back, okay? The wine cellar is just down here." Thor spoke, taking a couple steps backwards.

"Thor, come on." Ashley spoke softly, but he kept going.

"My father used to have this huge barrel of Aakonian ale. I'll see if the scullery has a couple of to-go cups." He said, turning around to walk away from the other two.

"Hey. Hey! Aren't you drunk enough already?" Rocket asked, before a door nearby opened making all three of them duck behind something for cover. Thor peaked round the corner of the pillar he was hiding behind, and his heart began to hurt as he laid eyes on his mother walking with two maids in the adjacent corridor. The Dark Elves hadn't arrived yet, so she was still alive. If only for a few more hours. Thor lost all sense of needing to hide and slowly walked the same way she was. Ashley stood and came up next to Thor, seeing the pain and disbelief on his face.

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