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AN. ROYAL WEDDING TIME! The dress Ashley wears to the wedding.

And if you're worried after my little questions I had in the last chapter, don't worry. I hear your thoughts .


-12th March-

With one wedding down there was one more to go and a couple of things had happened between the Frollie wedding and now. Tom couldn't sit still on the long plane journey to England, as he thought about the week ahead of him.

I thought long and hard about the whole 'rebound' idea that Tony threw out and I decided not to pursue it. Not only was I not prepared to do that but I couldn't do use the other guy like that. It wasn't fair on him and it like I said, it would have opened a can of old worms that should have been left alone.

The dog idea on the other hand, well, I adopted one. He was a 6 year old German Shepard who had been abandoned by his owners after they randomly moved to another state. I took to him as soon as I saw him on the website but fell in love with him when I met him. He may be a big, powerful dog but he's really a big softie who loves cuddles. He was shy at first but took to me as soon as I started to cuddle him. It was a no brainer after then. I brought him home after finalising the paperwork and getting him chipped and vaccinated. His owners called him Cooper and I liked the name too much to change it. So his name was now Cooper Gomez. 

Anyway, back to now and me and Tom were almost ready to land in London. I didn't want to leave Cooper after not so long at home but I kinda had to. George kindly agreed to stay at my place and look after Coops whilst I was away. Hopefully he doesn't like George more than me already.

We then eventually landed at Heathrow airport around lunchtime and were instantly put in a royal car and taken to Buckingham Palace. Apparently most of the family were there today because of me coming over so we had to head straight there.

"Woah." Tom admired the streets of London as we drove through. The streets were bustling and I could see people were already starting to camp out on the streets, ready for the wedding this week. These people were dedicated to say the least.

Surprisingly England had been having quite a warm start to the year, making the coat and jumpers I brought with me pointless. I liked when it was warm in this country, people seemed to become nicer and the days were just better. The sun beats out clouds and rain any day.

"I can't believe I'm here and I'm about to meet the royal family. I think I'm nervous, do I look nervous?" Tom's words were rushed and he rubbed his hands together. Yep, he was nervous.

"A little bit." I told him calm as anything.

"I mean, do I bow? She's the Queen right I'm suppose to bow, but you probably won't cause she's your friend so I don't know-"

"Tom, breathe for me please." I instructed him, making him take a few breathes in and out to calm himself down. "Better?"

"Better, thanks. Sorry for being nervous, s'not everyday you meet the Queen of England. Thanks for inviting me, Ash. My mom would get a kick out of this if she could see me." Tom smiled at me, patting the back of my hand as it rested on my leg. I smiled back at him, knowing the whole story of him and his mom. She died in 2006 from cancer. It was too far developed and was spread all around her which meant there was not much that could be done for her, so the last year of her life was spent completing her bucket list. I was meant to bring her to England as a part of that list but she died before we could. This was also a part of why I asked Tom, it would have meant a lot to Irene.

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