Twenty Six

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In the days that followed the funeral, Ashley was starting to come to terms with everything that happened

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In the days that followed the funeral, Ashley was starting to come to terms with everything that happened. It was hard, but she was starting to at least. Every now and again though she would find it hard to get up and go through the day, even sometimes going as far as trying to call Tony, only for her to realise and remember that he wasn't going to answer ever again. It broke her a little more every time she happened to do it, and she could feel her own depression coming back to bite her as the days went on. So in spite of it and to keep it from running away with her, she did what Stephen told her to do and talked to her friends about anything and everything that she was feeling. She talked to Steve whenever she felt down, she would visit Pepper and Morgan almost everyday, and kept in touch with Clint and Laura. If it wasn't for the people around her, she would have been so worse.

At the moment, she was having probably the last conversation she would have with Thor for a while. They sat on the steps of her house, with a mug of coffee each. During the past couple days, Thor had decided to take some time away with the Guardians and explore space in a way he couldn't get to with the pressure of being a king. After everything that had happened in the past five years, he felt like he needed time to think about himself and find who he was again.

"I already know what your answer would be but, you could come with us if you wanted to." Thor suggested to Ashley.

"If you know my answer, why suggest it?" She asked, taking a sip from her mug.

"Just in case I was wrong, I guess."

"Well, your offer is a kind one, but I have something I'm more interested in doing."

"I wasn't wrong. Nice to know." He said with smile before sipping his coffee. "Now, you let me know when they give you a little one and I'll be over in a flash of lightning. Or maybe not lightning, just as a flash of a ship really."

"That's if it actually happens. God knows, what our life as superhero's could mean for it."

"If they don't give you one, let me know and I'll give them a piece of my mind." He said, causing a small smile to appear on her face. "How dare they keep a child from you. It shouldn't be aloud."

"It's precautions they have to take to make sure the kid is in a good place. And I'm sorry, but I don't think you could do much about it."

"I'll be nice. With smiles and all that. See?" He put on a smile and pointed to it. "I can smile." He said through his teeth.

"And it's a nice smile. I'm just being realistic, Thor. If it doesn't happen, I think Cooper would be enough for us." She said, nodding behind her to the dog who was laid asleep on a bench that was on the porch.

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