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A.N. Time to see Steve and Bucky again....I wonder what will happen....



My leg shook up and down as I sat on the jet as we made our way to Wakanda. Tom was in the driver's seat keeping his eye on the sky as we flew. I asked Tom to come with me as I didn't want to be on my own when I faced Steve again. I was worried I would jump back into his arms so Tom was here to basically tell me straight if I was being a damsel in distress.

I wondered if Steve was gonna come alone or if he was going to bring Nat or Sam. I hoped he was bringing both of them, I'd like to see them both again.

I had to rub my hands together as they were starting to get clammy as I thought about Steve. It wasn't only Bucky I was seeing, it was Steve too and last time I saw Steve I broke things off. I wasn't exactly nice about it either as I let slip the truth about me and Howard.

He knew I loved Howard as I wasn't exactly shy about it, he just didn't know of the things we did. And if I'm honest, he still doesn't know all of it. I just couldn't find it in me to tell him.

"You don't have to talk to him, ya know?" Tom broke me out of my thoughts. He was stood over me, I assumed he put the jet on auto-pilot.

I took a deep breathe as he sat next to me, knowing he was talking about Steve.

"The things he did, what he put you through, he shouldn't get off lightly." Tom told me, being on my side. He's always been on my side no matter what the thing was he always had my back.

"Just know I got your back and if you need me to tell him to fuck off I will do just that." Tom placed his hand on my hand, rubbing small circles with his thumb.I sent him a small smile, thanking him for all he doing for me.

"Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are getting married next year and I'm going to it." I started to explain. Tom nodded, knowing my relationship with the royal family. "And the Queen has said I can bring a plus one. So, in a 'thanking you' kinda way for all the times you've helped me, including today, I want to take you as my plus one. If you want to do it that is."

Tom slightly smiled, almost not believing that I asked him out of everyone. It's true that I could have asked Tony, Pepper, Sarah or even Peter to come. But Tom was above all of them on who to ask. The press had seen me with him for years so they knew who he was therefore there was no risk of them creating rumours of a'boyfriend'. Plus, as I said, it was a way of thanking him for everything he's done and will do for me.

"I'm gonna need a suit fitting." Tom spoke. I took that as a he was most definitely coming. I nodded with him letting him pull me into a hug. "Thanks Ash." His voice came out small, trying his best not to get emotional over the invitation.

"Just a warning, we have to be there for the entire week; Liz want's me to do dinners and stuff." I explained more as we came out the hug. Tom nodded, not wanting to mess with Queen's Liz's plans.

Tom's eyes then widened, realising something.

"I'm gonna need to talk to them aren't I? The Royal Family." Tom asked me. I nodded which made him take a deep breathe. "Okay. I'm gonna meet The Royal Family, no biggie ey? Just ya know, future Kings and Queens as well as the Queen herself. No biggie." Tom seemed flustered so I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort and calm him.

"You'll do great." I reassured him which seemed to stick with him. A friend of mine is a friend of Liz's and Tom is most indeed a friend. I think him and Harry will get on well.

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