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A.N. Let's find out who the weddings are for. (The gifs give one of them away.)

I realised as I was writing I didn't pick an actor to play Ollie, Fred's boyfriend. So, please welcome Russell Tovey as Ollie Mitchell. Ollie is British fyi.


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I looked at my phone checking the time. 2:30pm. I huffed, tapping my phone screen with my red nails as I waited for a text from either of the couple as I was waiting for. They were late, not unusual for a Sousa twin.

As I waited I would often catch my left hand looking bare now that I didn't have an engagement ring on it. My hand felt lighter and emptier without the ring on. It made me feel sad every time I looked at my hand, knowing what used to be on it.

I sighed to myself, still mad Steve made me take that choice. I bet he's sunning himself having the time of his life whilst I'm here trying to keep at it so I don't think about him. Idiot.

Anyway, as I was saying before; I was asked to meet Fred and Ollie at Luis' diner for some 'late lunch'. They apparently had something they needed to talk to me about so being the most amazing god mother I am, I agreed to meet them on a busy Thursday afternoon.

I hadn't seen them since Peggy's funeral because they went backpacking together for their anniversary so I hadn't really been in touch with them. They deserved their own little time together without having to deal with a heartbroken 90 year old.

I jumped slightly, hearing a knock on the window next to me. I instantly laughed seeing Ollie and Fred pretending to claw their way into the diner like zombies. I waved for them to get inside before they smiled and walked towards the entrance.

I watched as the boys walked in and headed straight for my table.

"Hey buddy!" I cheered, a big smile on my face as Fred walked towards me with Ollie shutting the door behind him. As soon as Fred was close enough, I wrapped my arms around him. I missed the twins when they weren't around, as would anyone really. They're really good company.

"It's so good to see you." Fred told me, moving out the way to let me hug Ollie.

"Hello beautiful." Ollie greeted me with a big smile and a kiss on my cheek. His smile made me smile as it was one of those infectious ones that everybody loved.

"Shall we sit?" I asked the pair, both of them nodding and taking a seat across from me. "It's been too long. How was the backpacking?" I asked, waving the waitress over so the boys could order some food for themselves.

"Amazing. I didn't think America could be as pretty as we saw." Fred answered me, pausing only to let Ollie order as the waitress stopped at our table.

"Just two coffees and a chocolate muffin please." Ollie ordered and the waitress left to get them it.

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