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A.N. In honour of Halloween it's time for a party!! A costume party too! It's a bit of fun and you get to meet a couple of new people important to Fred and George.

Guess who Ashley is going as? ^^^^^

Sorry If I'm dragging the before IW out but this is what I have planned so deal.


It had been a few weeks since Bucky was woken up and I was now back to every day life in New York, worrying about other people and planning Frollie's wedding.

Bucky is in safe hands with T'Challa so I can carry on back home without having to worry. If I need to I can always call over just to see him.

Steve and Nat have gone off wherever they are and I'm glad to be away from him. I almost crumbled before leaving Wakanda and I'm glad I didn't. I'm not ready to talk to him, not yet.

Fred, Ollie and George and I sat in Luis' diner, eating lunch and talking about future plans. Fred and George sat one side of the table whilst me and Ollie sat the other.

I don't feel bad about spending so much time with the twins as they can make me laugh even when certain things don't make sense. Being with them reminded me of the lunches I would share with Peggy and Daniel, they were always so cute together. Lunches with the Sousa's always brought me back to the real Ashley, not the agent I'm constantly being.

"So we want the house party to be a costume party." Ollie excitedly said. I stopped mid sip of my coke and George stopped mid bite of his burger. A costume party was so them. "Is that okay?"

"Sounds fun." I told him, placing my drink back down to grab a piece of cucumber from my salad to eat. I loved dressing up and I wasn't surprised it was what Frollie wanted to do instead of the normal stag nights. As I said, they don't like to fall into the social norms.

"You think everyone will do it? Including Tony." Fred asked, leaning back in his seat sipping his diet coke.

"Oh absolutely. I'll even get Pepper to buy them embarrassing couple costumes just so I can laugh at how stupid he looks." I told him. Tony's embarrassed me multiple times so it was payback time. I have the advantage as Pepper can make him do anything and she will go with whatever I say cause she wants to embarrass him too.

"I like your chaotic evilness, Miss Gomez." Ollie pointed at me, a big smile appearing on his face. He looked like a kid at Halloween with a big bag of candy, he was so excited for this costume party and to be honest so was I.

I gave a sly playful wink to which he wiggled his eyebrows at.

"So, costume ideas." Fred clapped his hands together, grabbing the tables attention. "I thought we could go through who's going as what so we don't have any clashes." Fred reached down into his bag and got out his notepad and pen. The notepad had little stickers on the front of it coupled with silly drawings Fred had done whenever he was bored. I knew this was his 'notepad for plans and things', he also had a notepad revolving around wedding stuff. He likes to write everything down.

Fred opened his notepad and clicked the top of his pen. I could see from where I was sat that on the page he was on, Fred had written down people's names and their costumes next to the names. A few costumes were crossed off next to his own name and replaced with another that was crossed out, this told me he was still making his mind up for what to wear himself.

"Dibs on the 11th Doctor." George blurted out, wanting to get it in before his brother.

"Aw, I was thinking of going as him." Fred complained, his voice sounding like a little kids.

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