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-Two Days Later-

With Thor gone, and the stones destroyed, not much faith was going around the team. Natasha had to faced down photo's at HQ that had the ones that were dusted in, as she couldn't look at them without feeling all sorts of guilt. Her fists would clench whenever she was reminded of what happened with Thanos, and how Thor ruined their last chance of saving everyone. She didn't hate him, and neither did Steve, but there was no need for what he did. If only he would have gone for the head before the snap, things could be completely different.

With the days going by, someone was always sat keeping an eye on Ashley. Even Rocket did for a bit. And as much as Carol wanted to get back into space and help those effected by the snap, she stayed to make sure Ashley was okay before she left. But the person who stayed the longest was Steve. George was a close second with Natasha taking third.

At the moment, Steve was the one keeping an eye on Ashley. He had been sat waiting for 4 hours already, and eventually he had fallen asleep in his chair as rain softly hit the window in the room. He had been asleep for maybe 20 minutes when Ashley's hand's started to move and her eyes fluttered open. She squinted at the bright light and rubbed her eyes with her hands. She then took notice of her hands and looked to her right to see rain out the window. She had survived, and couldn't quite believe it. She then heard a grumble and turned to see Steve sat next to her bed. She gasped and almost cried seeing that Steve had survived and reached over to shake his knee.

"Steve." Her voice croaked, making her cough. Steve was awoken by her coughing and was shocked to see Ashley looking back him, now awake.

"Ashley." He gasped, leaning over to take her hand.

"Hey." Her throat was dry, but that wasn't going to stop her talking to Steve. "How long have I been in here for?" She asked as she shifted herself to lay more comfortably.

"A few days. Your friend Carol found you and Tony and brought you back to us." Steve told her, and her eyes widened at the mention of Tony's name.

"Tony. Is he okay?" She asked frantically, sitting up on the bed.

"He's fine." Steve spoke softly, relaxing Ashley's worry. "He's fine. A little angry at me but when isn't he?"

"You shaved." She noted, using the back of her fingers to gently stroke his now smooth chin. Steve had to close his eyes at her skin contacting his own. Her skin was still so soft and could relax him in an instant, even after 3 years of not being touched by her. "I like it." She gave a smile, making him smile too as his eyes reopened to find hers. This was the most pleasant conversation with Ashley that Steve had had in 3 years, and he had missed her more than words could describe. "So tell me. Who did we lose?"


"Just tell me, Steve. Tell me straight." She said, and he nodded before clearing his throat.

"T'Challa, Wanda...." He paused for a second and squeezed her hand. "Sam, Fury and Maria as well. Um....Fred, Vicky and Tom." Ashley gasped at the revelation and put as hand over her mouth, tears filling her eyes. "Bucky." At that word, Ashley couldn't hold it in anymore and began to sob into her hand. Steve's heart broke seeing her that way and lifted the hand in his to kiss the back of. "If you need me, I'm here." She nodded and opened her arms, wanting him to hold her as she cried. He didn't hesitate to, moving to sit on the bed to hold her better. "I'm so sorry I failed you again."

"Hey no." She leaned away from his embrace and looked into his eyes, having to ignore the fire that erupted in her when she saw those ocean blue eyes that made her feel weak at the knees once again. "You didn't fail me. You saw him, right?" She asked and Steve nodded. "With the stones he had, he was unbeatable. We tried, and now it's up to us to get them back." She said, and Steve nodded in agreement. Then, for the first time in three years, she took in how he looked, his features and hair, and without thinking, she cupped his face. He closed his eyes again at her touch, and put his hands over hers. He took in the fact she was here, alive and awake, speaking to him, touching him and not having at go at him. All different to how she was the last time he saw her. It felt so different, and in the best way possible.

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