Twenty Three

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Steve and Ashley ended up sitting on the floor against their bed, as Ashley was almost numb to everything. Tears ran down her face as she continued to cry, her head resting on Steve's shoulder to take a quite moment to let it settle in that Natasha was actually gone. Cooper had joined them after hearing his owner crying and rested his head on the bed near Ashley's head where he laid. If she needed him, he was there. Whilst they were sat, Ashley ended up reminiscing about one of her favourite memories of Natasha, all whilst tears kept coming.

"And she had the biggest smile on her face when it went off. I've never seen her happier than that, honestly. Apparently she got the help of Fred and George."

"Figures. Did you prank her back?" Steve asked her, his hand holding hers tightly.

"No. You know I've always been bad at pranks." She said, then took a deep breath in and then out. "What am I gonna do? When everyone comes back, we'll have to tell them what she did to save them. God, little Morgan probably won't remember much about her when she grows up. And now, if we ever get to have a kid, they will never get to meet their Auntie Natasha."

"We'll make sure they know who their Auntie Natasha was and is and what she did. We'll make sure she's not forgotten." Steve reassured, and Ashley nodded as she wiped tears away with a tissue. "Did you mean what you said about taking the anti-ageing no matter what happens?" Steve asked, making her bring her up head so he could see when she nodded. "Then I'll take it too. Till death do us part. No matter what happens." His words made her softly smile and rest her head back on his shoulder.

"Do you think if we're lucky enough to get a little girl, we could call her Natasha?"

"We sure can." He replied, kissing the top of her head.

"Thanks." Ashley mumbled, running a hand through her hair before sitting up and stroking Cooper's head. "We should probably start putting the stones together. We can mourn her properly when it's all done. Funeral and everything. I don't know about you but I want to make sure her death isn't for nothing." She looked to Steve, and he sent her a small smile before leaning over to place a lingering kiss on her cheek.

"I want that too." He whispered. Then together, they slowly stood from the floor and wiped each others cheeks for any extra tears left behind. Steve kissed her lips softly before going over to get their rings from the bedside table, where they had been put minutes before. He handed Ashley hers and when their rings were back on, they left the room with Cooper on their heels.

As they began to make their way down the corridor, Clint appeared around the corner. They all stopped walking upon seeing each other and Clint looked down as he couldn't bring himself to look at how heartbroken Ashley would be. He felt at fault and like it should have been him instead of Natasha. Ashley let out a sigh and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him slowly. He tried so hard to keep it together, but the hug just brought it all out, making him hug her tight as he cried into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry for blowing up on you." Ashley spoke first, rubbing his back to give him some comfort.

"I don't blame you. I would have been the same." He replied, pulling away from the embrace. Ashley was now able to see the redness of his eyes and the stains on his cheeks from the tears.

"When you said it was either she or you, what did you mean exactly?"

"One of us had to die to get the stone. I tried to make it me but she wouldn't let me." He told her, wiping away the tears from his cheeks.

"You do have a family. Kids. She probably didn't want them to come back and find out you were gone." Ashley suggested, and Clint shrugged his shoulders.

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