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-Somewhere in Space-

When I finally regained consciousness, I gasped and looked around to find that I was floating in the air with, what looked like, icicles close to my face. I then realised I was on the very ship that we saw on the ground, more than likely in space somewhere. The thin alien from before came into my eye line and stood in front of me. I tried to struggle but it was no use. It was like there were invincible chains wrapped around me, keeping me in place.

"Such a shame I have to hurt such a beauty." He said, gliding his finger over my jawline. I wanted to move away, but he was too strong.

"Say that again without holding me back and see what happens."

"Oo, such fire. But that wouldn't be fun at all." He teased, then turned away from me. "Seen as you won't budge when I hurt you, I might as well hurt someone else." He spoke to someone. I looked behind him and saw Stephen, also floating in the air but upright so he could watch what this alien did to me. "How much do you value that stone? More than her life?"

The spikes began to edge near my cheeks, the tips just beginning to prick my skin. I held in a scream and grunted as they got deeper.

"You can make it stop, stonekeeper" The alien spoke to Stephen. "Just hand over the stone and I'll set her free."

"I don't care if you kill me." I managed to say, glancing over to Stephen then back to the alien. "That stone will never be yours." The spikes then went even deeper into my skin, and my screams couldn't be held in any more, and they echoed around the ship.

"Painful, aren't they?" The alien said, a smirk on his face. "They were originally designed for microsurgery. And any of them-" He was cut off by a thud coming from behind him. I managed to lift my head enough to see Tony, his blasters out ready to fire if need be. I felt relief seeing him, but also a bit worried that he was on the ship too. "-could end your friend's life in an instant."

"Your first mistake was threatening her life to my face. Now you gotta suffer the consequences." Tony said. The alien seemed to scoff before waving his hand to make a piece of the ship flow foreword, manoeuvring to come next to him.

"Consequences? Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine." The alien then made another piece of the ship float next to him, and then another one.

"Yeah, but the kid's seen more movies." Tony said, before using a rocket on his shoulder to shoot a hole in the ship. The alien and his pieces of ship were sucked out into space, but if he could be sucked out then so could we. Both Stephen and I were pulled to the hole, only for us to be pulled back by something attaching to our backs. The pull was almost too strong, both Stephen and I being pulled into the space, only to be held in place then pulled back into the ship safely. We both landed on the floor with a grunt and I lifted my head in time to see Tony patching up the hole with something from his suit.

"You okay?" Stephen asked me, getting my attention.

"Yeah, just fine. Considering." I said with a slight smile, holding out my hand so I could help him to his feet.

"You alright?" Tony asked as he came over, checking me over as his suit faded away from his body.

"Yeah, just peachy." I replied, wiping down my front.

"We gotta turn this ship around." Stephen told Tony.

"Yeah, now he wants to run. Great plan." Tony said sarcastically as Stephen's cloak reattached itself to his back.

"No, I want to protect the stone." Stephen replied as we began to walk to the main area of the ship.

"And I want you to thank me. Now, go ahead. I'm listening."

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