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-The Benatar ship, Space-

Twenty days have passed since the dusting, and Tony and Ashley were marooned in space on Quill's ship The Benatar, along with Nebula who was the alien woman who crushed Thanos with her ship. They were using The Benatar to keep safe in, as it had food and oxygen to help keep them alive. For the first couple of days, together they worked together and managed to get the ship working again. But it was only for 48 hours, and after that it was dead. The food on board was now running out and the oxygen was going to run out by the next morning. As you would expect, it was taking it's toll on Tony and Ashley, and quite quickly they realised that no one was coming for them and that they were lost in space, with the big possibility that could die in a matter of hours.

At the moment, Tony was teaching Nebula a small game they could play to help pass the time, whilst Ashley was taking charge of distributing the food for the day. As she did so, something was running through Ashley's mind which was making her give more food to Tony than herself. She figured out why Stephen was so quick to give the time stone to Thanos to save Tony's life. It all made sense to her when she realised that Tony was the key. Everything that happened was part of the one way they win, and that Tony was the reason they won. She was going to make sure Tony was able to do that, even if it meant she had to suffer and let go of her own life by keeping him going. She felt weaker everyday, and today was one of the weakest she had felt. She swayed where she stood, feeling lightheaded all of a sudden. She started to fall back when Nebula came from behind and caught her. She helped steady Ashley on her feet, and pulled a stool out from under the table.

"Careful." Nebula told her, guiding the super solider to sit on the stool. Ashley nodded to her as a thank you, and rubbed her eyes that were finding it hard to stay open.

"How's Tony?" Ashley asked, her head almost falling onto the table. Her energy was at an all time low, and she could actually feel that there wasn't a lot of oxygen left with every breath she took. Not even the serum could help her this time.

"He's tired. But as it seems, you are worse." Nebula pointed out. Ashley ignored her comment and went back to sorting out the food, pulling the food packages towards her and opening one. It was a plain cracker, and she held her hand out to offer it to Nebula. But the alien shook her head and pushed Ashley's hand back towards her. Ashley said nothing and split the cracker into uneven parts, the biggest part going onto Tony's plate. She then noticed Nebula watching her and her action.

"Don't tell him I'm doing this. He'll just go against it completely."

"Can understand why. You're killing yourself so he lives."

"Bingo! And you probably don't even know what bingo is."

"I don't. But it sounds unimportant." Nebula said, making Ashley sigh heavily.

"Think about it. Stephen gave away the stone after he told us he would let any of us die before Thanos got a hand on it. He swore an oath to protect the stone and he just gives it away to save Tony? He only did that after he saw that one way out of 14 million that we win. It was all part of the plan, Nebula. Tony does something to let us win, so if keeping him alive means killing myself, then there's no hesitation from me. The fate of the world and getting him back to Pepper depends on it." Ashley ranted, and Nebula hesitantly nodded. She understood, and even though she'd only known her a few days, she could tell Ashley wasn't one to defy. "Just do me a favour." Nebula nodded for her to continue. "When my body get's taken back to earth...."She had to pause as tears blurred her eyes and her emotions were starting to get the best of her. "Please bury me with my parents. Ask Tony about it, he'll know." Nebula only gave a nod. "Thanks."

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