!Authors Note - Thank You!

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Hey everyone, it's Emma here. 

Now that I've finished the series of Ashley and friends, I just want to show my appreciation to all who have read the books and stayed with the series whilst many things happened in my life which effected updates.

I started the series about 7 years ago, and I never thought it would become what it is today. Not one bit. My first ever Steve fic was called Tony Stark's Daughter (do you remember that old chestnut?) It was written awfully and I deleted it to start a new one. A little one called Agent Gomez. I didn't really put a lot of thought into at the beginning as young me was too lazy, but eventually I grew and found myself delving into Ashley and everything that made her who she is. Every time I watched a marvel movie, I would picture her in it and think about what she could do in that part of the storyline. I can honestly say I love her and that she is one of my favourite OC's. (My favourite being Cleo from BTLY.) It's weird to say but she is actually teaching me a lot about myself and helping me along during the hard times almost everyday. She's part of me and I'm a part of her. #fightlikeagomez

But the series wouldn't have become what it is without all of you that voted, commented and gave support which kept me motivated to continue the series. I had some really struggling times but those of you who reached out kept me going.  So I guess all I can say is thank you. From the bottom of my heart thank you for sticking with me for 7 years and being ever so kind throughout. Thank you all for supporting and showing your love for this series and my character of Ashley. Honestly, it means so much that you liked the story and her as a character. Just thank you for everything. This series is what it is because of YOU

It's sad that it's come to an end, but part of the story is the end and I feel like I need to move on. The end of Endgame was a perfect time. 

If you want to check out my other stories, feel free to. 

Much love,
aka -fieldoflilies ♡

P.S. I'm thinking of doing other Marvel characters in the future so if you me want to write for a specific character, please comment down below. Thank you all again!

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