Chapter 17~ Why Do Sticks Always Break?

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Chapter 17

Sam's POV

    It's been a week since Taylor's big episode, and Dean's apology.


    Taylor and Ari were in the back of the car. Angela's half dead body had threw Ari into a tombstone. Taylor had a gash on her forehead from being cut by the knife Angela tried to kill Lindsey with. Dean was scowling at the road. I gave him a worried look. What is wrong with him? Dean then pulled the car off the road on the opposite shoulder. He gets out leaving us in the car, Ari sends me a worried look. Taylor just sits there. She isn't the same after that episode. Ari get's out with me, Taylor follows behind. Dean is sitting on the hood of the car. "Dean what is it?" I said worried for my brother. He takes a breath pausing. "I'm sorry." He said. I dont say anything, I just walk closer to him. "The way I have been acting." I sit on the hood with him. "And for Dad. I mean he was your Dad too. It's my fault he is gone." " What are you talking about?" I asked confused. "I know you've been thinking it-so have I. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Back at the hospital, I made a full recovery. It was a miracle. And five minutes later Dad's dead and the Colt's gone." Ari was standing next to Taylor, she was sending Dean looks of pity. Taylor was just looking a Dean perplexed. "Dean-" I started but he cut me off. "You can't tell me there is not a connection there." He pauses looking away from me. "I don't know how the demon was involved, I don't know how the whole thing went down exactly, but Dad is dead because of me. That much I do know." Dean eyes had started gathering tears. "We don't know that. Not for sure." I said trying to sway his blame. "Sam- you and're the most important people in my life.  And now- I never should have come back. Sam, it wasn't natural. And now look what's come of it. I was dead. And I should have stayed dead. You wanted to know how I was feeling. Well, that's it." Not knowing what to say I just nod. "Now tell me what could you possibly say to make me feel better." Dean was crying now, so was Arianna. Tears had even filled my eyes.  We all look away from each other.

End of flashback. 

    We were staying in a motel overnight every one just needed a rest after traveling and hunting. "Dean, I want the couch." I heard Taylor say. We had only got one room now that Arianna was sleeping with me. "Fine, but you will  be paying for it in the morning." I raised my eyebrow. Aria was across from me at the table. She was frowning slightly. "Well, I am hitting the hay." Dean said taking off his boots jumping on the bed face down. Taylor scoffed, bringing a book closer to her face. What is wrong with her? She hasn't been talking a lot since, well the big outbreak.

Taylor's POV

    I was fake reading a book, silently hoping for Sam, and Arianna's sleep deprivation to catch up with them. Not that I want them to suffer, but so I can leave. Not leave completely. Just go on my walk. I know they would bug me if I told them about it. "I am tired Sam." I heard Ari say. I look out of the corner of my eye, to see her hugging his shoulders looking at the computer screen. "Ok." Sam then got up shutting his laptop. They got into the night attire, then laid on the bed under the covers. I could hear Deans soft snores. After an hour of waiting I heard Sam's breath slow. You wanna know how? He is a mouth breather. Yeah. I pick up and  zip my black military style boots. I then grab the motel keys. Taking one last look at them I go out silently closing the door behind me. The air was muggy, and thick. I spot a bench over to the side. I sit down, not before sweeping it with my hand slightly. Light beams from the moon lit up the night, as if it was almost day. "Mr. man in the moon. Tell me a story. Something long, happy, or sad it doesn't matter." I whispered. 

Arianna's POV

    This is the third night Taylor has left the motel. I get out of the bed, grabbing my cardigan, and shoes. I slip both on my body. "Where are you going?" I heard Sam ask groggily. "To use the toilet." I said playing with the sleeves of my cardigan. "Ok." He said turning over going back to sleep. Ninja mode don't fail me now. I open the door, afraid of the dark woodland surrounding the motel. I close it quietly. I look at around, seeing Taylor sitting on a bench near the end of the motel. I step on a stick it makes a clicking noise. Taylor looks behind her spotting me. "What are you doing?"  She asked concerned. "I was coming to check on you." I said quietly. "You need some sleep." She said walking over to me. "Stop." She then stopped mid-stride. "What am I doing?" She said with a confusion washed over her face. "Stop, acting like you have to take care of me constantly. I am not a child. I am older than you anyways. Not to mention, it shouldn't be me you are worrying about. Look at you. Not sleeping, not even eating. Taylor if you don't tell me what is wrong I can't help. Now stop trying to help everyone else and help yourself!" This was the first time I ever yelled at her.  She was first shocked then angry. "For one age doesn't matter. I don't need help. I am perfectly fine! So, if you can't see that I am perfectly fine. Maybe you are the one that needs help. I have busted my a*s to take care of you Arianna. Every Time your parents lashed out, the douche boyfriends, and whenever you needed me! I have been there! If you think I am going to stop now you have another thing coming! I may not show it Ari, but you are more important to me than this world. Hell or high water I will always protect you." I heard the open I looked behind me to see Sam. "What are you two doing?" He was looking at us confused. "I was just leaving." Taylor said shoving her hands in the pockets of her pants walking towards the woods. "Wait-" I said reaching out my hand. "Just let her go blow off some steam. Dean does this all the time." Sam had put his hand on my shoulders. I wasn't sad. I was angry. Why does she act like I am a pet or child? She is not my owner. "Da*mit." I said turning around burying my head in Sam's chest. 

Third Person POV

    Taylor was leaning against a tree. She had just got done wailing on. Her knuckles bloody, bruised, and full of splinters. Grimacing, she pick off some of the wood. "Sh*t." She groaned. Hearing a snap of leaves and sticks she turned around looking into the dark woods. Reaching for the gun in her waistband, she hears a voice. "I wouldn't do that if I was you." She whipped around to see a older man. Then upon seeing a flash of yellow eyes she knew. "You are the demon I have heard of." She said her hand gripped around the pistol. "Good things I hope? Anyways on to the point. I hear you are having little dreams." He said snarkily. "Oh, I wouldn't go that far. Where did you hear that?" Even though a sliver of fear coursed through her the strong stance didn't waver. "A little birdy told me. I want you." The demon stepped forward making Taylor take a step back, smacking into the tree. "Sorry, old man. I am afraid you are not my type." She said with a crooked smile. "So, brave for a little child. I want you for my army. You and Sam could lead armies of demons no problem." Taylor looked slightly appalled. "I am not going to be apart of your little groupies or gang, whatever you call them. I certainly don't want anything to do with your armies. Demon or otherwise." The demon looked shocked for a second then started laughing. "I will come for you and Sam. You won't be able to stop it either. You are going to lead my army." Then moved his hand move flinging Taylor over into a near tree. Walking over he pick her up by the throat. "You b*stard." She manged to get out only causing him to squeeze harder. "Oh look you made me lose my temper." He said faking innocence. He then waited until Taylor had lost conscience leaving her there on the ground.

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