Chapter 33~ Get The Heck Out of Dodge!

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Chapter 33

Sam's POV

        Taylor was riding up front with Dean helping navigate to a clinic.  I was in the back with Arianna and Mrs. Tanner. "Take a right." Taylor says pointing out the window. "Now just go straight, until...Now." She finishes Dean jerks the steering wheel to the side making the car dash to the side of the sidewalk. "Taylor you help me get Mr, Tanner. Sam you take her in okay?" Dean says I nod in response. Arianna supports the womans back nudging her toward the car door. I help her to the clinic Arianna behind me walking. "Help! Help! We need a doctor!" I yell my voice goes in waves throughout the small clinic. A woman from my vision comes into the small area."Mrs. Tanner, what happened?" She ask. "She was attacked." Arianna says. "Dr. Lee?" The woman goes to the open door way peeking her head in. The doctor also from my vision walks in. "Bring her in." She rushes. Following her in the corridor, she leads us to an examination room. Dean and Taylor walk in, Dean carrying Mr. Tanner's body over his shoulder. "Is that-" Dr. Lee starts but Dean cuts her off. "Mr. Tanner? Yeah." The Doctor gasp. "Was he attacked too?" She ask. "Actually he did the attacking and got, uh, shot in the process." Taylor says shrugging. "Shot?" She ask. "Yeah." Taylor replies. "Who are you?" Dr. Lee ask looking to us all. "US Marshals. I'd show you my badge but-" Taylor cuts Dean off. "He is carrying a dead body." She says nonchalant. "Oh. Sorry, bring him here." She says directing to a steel table. 
       Beverly is sitting now on a stool getting her wounds mended. "Wait- you said Jake helped him? Your son Jake?" Doctor Lee ask. Beverly nodded tears in her eyes. "One minute they're my husband and son. The next they were beating me and tied me up. It was like they had the devil inside them." She said looking up at the Lee. Dean sends me a look. "Of course it was the devil." Taylor mutters crossing her arms. "Taylor, remember empathy." Arianna nudged her. "We need to talk." Dean says nodding his head in the direction of the door. Taylor and Arianna follow Dean and I into the hallway. "Those guys were wacked out of their gourds." Dean says  "So you thinking Demon possession?" Arianna ask. I look to Taylor. "What do you think?" I ask. "I mean this could be a streak of insanity, but that is very unlikely. This could be multiple possessions. " She reasons. "If it is possession there could be more. I mean, God it could be like a big friggin Shiner convention." Dean exasperates. "Basically we are dealing with a big demon orgy?" Arianna ask making us all look at her. "Uh, yeah." I reply. "Great." Taylor says pinching the bridge of her nose. "That is one way to get rid of a town. Just work your way from the inside." Aria says. "I don't know. We didn't see any smoke or the normal signs." Taylor says. "If I could of taken out that other one we would have one less to worry about." Dean says running a hand down his face. "Don't beat yourself up Dean, it was a kid." Arianna says looking at him reassuringly. "No, it was an 'it'. Now is not the time to be sympathetic." He says.  At that moment the Lee walks from the lab her heels clicking loudly against the floor. "How is she?" Arianna ask. "Terrible! What the hell happened out there?" She exclaims.  Arianna lets out a sigh to the yelling. "We don't know. Now calm down." Taylor says sassily to the doctor, who looks shocked. "Well, you just killed my next door neighbor." She says tapping her foot. "We didn't have a choice." I say. "Maybe so, but we need the county sheriff. I need the coroner..." Lee trails off. "Phones are down."  Dean says. "I know, I already tried. Tell me you have a police radio in that car of your's?" She ask. "Yeah we do. Unfortunately it is neither working." Taylor says. "I don't understand what is happening?" The doctor says shaking her head. "Yeah us either." I say. "How far is the next town over?" Dean ask. "It is about forty miles down to Sidewinder." She replies. "All right. I'm gonna go down there and see if there I can get any help,"  Dean starts then claps Sam and Taylor on the shoulder. "my partners will stay here to keep you safe."  Arianna looks to Dean shocked. Usually he picked Taylor out of the two. "Safe from what?" Lee ask. "We'll get back to you on that." Dean says.
 Arianna's POV

      I was sitting in the car with Dean. "Dean, why did you bring me with you?" I ask looking at him. "I just thought we could do some talking you know. Get to know each other." He said smiling. "Oh, I guess is is appropriate with me dating your brother." I reasoned. "Okay, I'll start. What is your favorite color?" He ask. "Blue, but like a turquoise blue. What about you?" I ask looking to him . "Um, never really thought about it." He said sheepishly. "Dean Winchester! You have really never sat down and just thought about what your favorite color is?" I gasp. "Well not really. I mean I guess red or green." He shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I will accept that answer." I say smiling. "Now you ask me a question." Dean says. "Hmm. What is your birthday?" I ask. Surely, he knows that. "January 24, 1979." He replies. "Your old bro." I laugh. "Haha. What is your birthday?" He ask.  "October 15, 1985. Wait, does that mean that you are seven years older than Taylor?" I say. "I guess it does." He says as if He was just realizing it. "No offense, but that is a little scandalous." I say making him look to me. "What are you talking about?" He ask. I laugh at his attempt to cover up his relationship. "Dude, I know about it. The whole kiss thing and your possessive nature." I say still laughing. "God, I feel like I am violated." He muttered. "It's okay I support it. I want you to tap that as much as you want to." I say making him go wide eyed. "What?" Dean exclaims. "You know have sex, do the dirty, or  frick frack. That kind of thing. Of course it is whatever you prefer." I say giggling. "Why are you talking like Taylor?" He says. "You said you wanted to get to know me. This is me a dirty minded fangirl. Take me for what I am!" I exclaim throwing my arms in the air. "Hold on be quiet." Dean says putting an arm out in front of me. I look to the road, It was blocks by several cars and some locals with guns. Including Jake Tanner. "Crap." I mutter. Hearing a loud bang on the roof of the car makes me jump, letting out a whimper. A man is at my window which was rolled down and at Dean's which was also rolled down. "Oh uh, hey." Dean says. "Sorry. Road's closed." He says. "Yeah. I see that. What's up?" Dean ask. I look to the guy who is staring at me. I inch away from the window slowly.  "Quarantine." He replies.  "Quarantine? What is it?" Dean ask. "I don't know something going around out there." He answers. "Uh-huh. Who told you that?" Dean ask skeptical. "County Sheriff." The man says. "Is he here?" I am pressed against the center console of the Impala, but the man is still getting closer. "No. He called. Say, why don't you step out of the car and we'll talk a little?" The man says making Dean let out a nervous laugh. "Well, you are a handsome devil, but I don't swing that way, sorry." Dean says. Yeah, tell em you are destine to be with Taylor! "I'd sure appreciate it if you and your girl got out of the car, just for a quick minute." I look to Dean nervous. His eyes meet mine and shift to the gear stick. "Yeah, I'll bet you would." I quickly put the car into reverse. Dean  is grabbed by the collar. The man on my side is holding to the door. Balling up my hand like Taylor showed my I punch him in the face making him tumble to the ground. The car swings around shaking off the man, I get my head down hearing shot being fired from the road block. 

Taylor's POV

    Sam was pacing back and forth in front of the body of Mr. Tanner. "Calm down Simba you're going to wear a hole in the floor." I say. "Shouldn't Dean already be in the next town?" He ask. "If he drove at a normal speed, no." I say smiling. Walking over I put a hand on his shoulder. "They are fine. My unicorn senses aren't tingling so hey, they must be doing great." I say making him shoot me a small smile. "Thanks." He replies. "You're welcome. Doc, how is that blood study going?" I say looking over my shoulder to the doctor. "Huh." She says making me raise an eyebrow. "Huh? What does that mean?" I ask walking over to her. "His lymphocyte percentage is pretty high. His body was fighting off a viral infection." She replies. A virus? "Really? What kind?" Sam ask. "None that I've ever heard of. I mean, some can cause dementia, but not that kind of violence. And besides. I have never heard of one that did this to the blood?" The doctor says puzzled. "Did what?"  I ask. "There's this... weird residue. If I didn't know better I'd say it was sulfur." I look to Sam who's head snapped up from the ground. "Sulfur." We both say at the same time. "Is there something I am missing here?" She ask. Making me roll my eyes. "Just something my partner and I need to discuss." I smile grabbing Sam's coat pulling him from the room. "Sam, if that is a virus it will spread. They were doing some blood thing with Beverly. That means she could have it." I say. "I know." He replies lacing his fingers behind his head. "We need to go check her." I say. Sam nods agreeing. 
    Beverly is huddled on a stool in the lab. I stare intently at her figure. If she has it I will shoot her. Sam doesn't need to have that on his conscious. "I don't understand. Are you saying my husband and Jake had a disease?" She ask confusion clear in her eyes. "That's what we're trying to find out. Now, during the attack, do you remember...did you have direct contact with their blood?"  Dr. Lee ask making her eyes widen. "Oh my God. You don't think I have it, do you?" Beverly ask panicking. "Beverly, I don't know what to think. But with your permission, we'll take a blood a sample." Beverly nods laying a hand on Lee's. Oh no. Then it happens Beverly suddenly grabs Dr. Lee's wrist and yells in rage. Sam rushes toward her but is thrown against a glass cabinet making it shatter. I watch her get a scalpel. I grab a fire extinguisher from the wall as Sam gather's his bearing I hit her in the head, effectively knocking her out. Sam gets ups breathing hard. "Thanks." He says. "No problem." I say shifting the fire extinguisher to my other hand.

Dean's POV

    We are on our way back into to town when a black man steps out in front of the car with a rifle. I hit my brakes suddenly, making the car jerk to a halt Arianna wide eyed. "Hands where I can see 'em!" The man yells. I look to Arianna who was scared. "Okay!" I yell. "Now just get out really slow. I got this." I say making her nod. "Get out of the car! Out of the car!" He yells. I open my door and start getting out slowly Arianna doing the same. "All right, easy there, big guy." I say. After fully getting out of the car, I pull out my pistol and point it towards him. "All right, put it down!" I yell Arianna scurries over behind me. "Lower it now!" The man says. "Put it down!" Is this seriously happening? "Are you one of 'em?" The man ask. "No! Are you?" I ask. "No!" He replies. "You could be lying!" I say. "So could you!" He counters. "All right! All right. We could do this all day, all right? Let's just uh take it easy before we kill each other." I reply. I watch as he relaxes somewhat. Arianna walks out beside me. "What's going on with everybody?" He ask. "I don't know." I say. "My neighbor.. Mr. Rogers, he-" I cut him off. "You've got a neighbor named Mr. Rogers?" I ask disbelieving. "Not anymore." I shake my head. "He came at me with a hatchet. I put him down. He's not the only one, I mean, It's happening to everyone." He says. "We are heading to the clinic. There is still people left, if you want to come." Arianna speaks up. I give her a look. "No, way. I'm getting the hell out." He replies. "There is no way out. They have the roads blocked. We just came from there." She says. "I don't believe you." He says. "But-" I cut Arianna off. "Well we tried." I say trying to get her back in the car. "We can't leave him here." She says. "We can't help if he doesn't cooperate." I say. She sighs defeated. "Fine. Stay here, be my guest." I say to the man. He hesitates then changes his mind. He pulls out a handgun and keeps it pointed toward  Dean as he gets into the passenger's side. I still have my gun on him as well. "Get in the back behind me." I say to Ari who goes to the back. "Well, this ought to be a relaxing drive." I mutter as I get into the car.

Taylor's POV.

    Dr. Lee is looking through that microscope again. Pam is huddled against the wall. Sam pacing like before. "What if we all have it? What if we all go crazy?" She says hurriedly. Oh no it getting to her. "Calm down." I tell her. "All we can do is wait. The Marshals' bringing help." The doc says. "I can't, I've got to go." She says getting up. "Pam!" Lee says. "No, you don't understand. My boyfriend's out there. I gotta make sure he's okay." She starts to leave, but I grab both her shoulders. "You are not the only one with people you care about out there. Now sit back down before you hurt yourself!" I say. She gulps nodding. Then sits down in chair from the lobby. I hear the Impala out front. I go toward the lobby. "Taylor! Sammy! Open up!" I hear Dean say. I pull out my gun just in case and open the door. I see Arianna and Dean standing there armed with a black man behind them. "You guys find a phone." I ask. I watch Arianna run in around me to hug Sam who held her tightly. "Road block." Dean says turning to the guy."I'm gonna have a word. Doc's inside."  The man walks around us.  I quickly give Dean a hug. "Thank God you are okay." I whisper. He hugs me back. "What's going on out there, Dean?" Sam ask as we break apart. "Man, I don't know, I feel like Chuck Heston In the Omega Man.  I mean, Sarge is the only sane person I could find. What are we dealing with, do you know?" He asked looking between us. "Yeah, Doc thinks it is a virus." I say. "Okay, great.  What do you think?" He ask again. "I think she is right." Sam says. "Really?" Dean ask unbelieving. "Yeah. I think it is the infected trying to infect the others with blood-to-blood contact. Oh, but its gets better." Sam replies. "The virus leaves traces of sulfur in the blood." I say making Dean shake his head. "A demonic virus?"  Arianna ask. "Yeah, more like demonic ger warfare. At least it explains why Taylor and I have been having visions." Sams responds shrugging. "It's like a Biblical plague." Dean answers. "Either way it is nasty." I say. "Yeah. You don't know how right you are, Dean. I've been poring through Dad's journal found something about the Roanoke colony." Sam says.  "And?" Dean ask. "Dad always had a theory about croatoan. He thought it was a demon's name. Sometimes known as Deva or sometimes Resheph. A demon of plague and pestilence." Sam answers. "That is wonderful." Arianna says. "Yeah, why here? Why now?" Dean ask. "I have no idea. But Dean, who knows how far this thing can spread? We gotta get out of here, we gotta warn people."  Sam says. "They've got one! In here!" I hear the black guy yell. He must have found Beverly. "What is he talking about?" Dean ask. "The wife is infected."  I say. "We've gotta take care of this. We can't just leave her in there. My neighbors, they were strong. The longer we wait, the stronger she'll get. I watch as Dean doesn't hesitate pulling out his gun stalking toward the lab. 

Arianna's POV

    "You're gonna kill Beverly Tanner?" Pam ask hysterical. "Doctor, could there be any kind of treatment? Some kind of cure for this?"  Sam ask the doc. "Can you cure it?" Dean ask her. "For God's sake, I don't even know what 'it' is!" She yells. "I told you, it's just a matter of time before she breaks through." The guy says. "Just leave her in there, you can't shoot her like an animal!" Pam exclaims. "It won't be long before she turns into an animal. She already tried to attack two people!" Taylor yells just as loud making everyone quiet. "Dean." She looks to him nodding. He takes this as a sign and heads toward the room Beverly. Sam, Taylor, the guy, and Me go after him. Sam opens up the door slowly. I see Beverly is huddled on the floor, knees drawn up to her chest. She jumps at their approach. "Mark, what are you doing? Mark, it's, it's them! They locked me in here, they, they tried to kill me! They're infected, not me! Please, Mark! You've known me all your life! Please!" Tears gather in my eyes at the women's pleads. It wasn't her fault that the virus was in her or that it was driving her insane. Just another victim in this war. "You sure she's on of 'em?" Dean ask looking to Sam and Taylor who nod. Mark pulls back, near tears also. Dean steps forward and fires twice. 
    The boys are looking through the windows. A few people are gathered outside. Taylor gets out her gun, notices me looking at her she sends me a crooked grin. "Hey, if things get ugly. You get the heck out of dodge, okay?" She says walking up towards me. "I won't leave you." I say. "Of course you say that." She says shaking her head. I jump at the sound of glass shattering. Pam has dropped a vial of blood and screams. "Oh God! Is there any on me? Am I okay?" I watch Taylor walk over. "You're clean, you're okay." She says calming her down. "Just sit down." Taylor says. "Why are we staying here?  Please, let's just go!" Pam says. "We can't leave, not right now at least. Those things are crawling all over the place." Taylor says. "She is right about one thing. We can't just stay here. We need to warn others. Let then know what is coming." I say. "Yeah. Good point, Night of the Living Dad didn't exactly end pretty." Dean says. "Well, I'm not sure we've got a choice. Lots of folks up here are good with rifles- even with all your hardware we're easy targets. So unless you've got some explosives.." Mark trails off. Sam glances up to the medical supplies. "We could make some." He says. He goes to the shelf and takes down a bottle of Potassium Chloride; just then, someone starts beating on the front door frantically. Sam and Dean run to it. "Hey! Let me in, let me in! Please!" I hear someone say. Taylor is standing in the doorway gun ready. Everyone is tense. "It's Duane Tanner!" I hear Mark say. "Duane? That's the guy Dean..." I mutter Taylor looks to me. I watch as they open the door letting him limp in, a backpack on his shoulder. "Thank God." He gasp. "You alright?" Mark ask. "That's the guy that I, uh-" Dean says quietly to Sam clicking his tongue at the end. "Yeah." Sam responds. "Who else is in here?" Duane says trying to go further in the clinic, but Dean grabs his arm roughly. "Hey there, whoa, whoa, easy there chief. Hey Doc! Give Duane a good once-over, would you?" Dr. Lee goes to them then leads them into the lab. "Pam?" She says. Pam gets up, Taylor looks at her like asking if she was stable. "Who are you?"  Duane ask Dean and Sam. "Never mind who I am. Doc." Dean says looking to him. "Yeah, okay." She says. "Duane. Where you been?" Mark ask. "On a fishing trip up by Roslyn. I came back this afternoon. I - I saw Roger McGill being dragged out of his house by people we know! They started cutting him with knives! I ran, I've been hiding in the woods ever since. Has anybody seen my mom and dad?" I grimace. Poor guy, his mom and dad are both gone. "Awkward." Dean says making Sam glare at him. I look at Duane he left leg has a deep gash in it. "You're bleeding." Lee says. "Where'd you get that?" Taylor ask. "I was running, I must have tripped." Taylor doesn't looked convinced. She looks to Dean. "Tie him up, there's rope in there." Dean says. "Wait..." Duane starts getting up. "Sit down!" Taylor says pointing her gun to Duane glaring. "I'm sorry, Duane. She's right. We've gotta be careful." Marks says sympathetic. "Careful? About what?" He ask. "Did they bleed on you?" I ask getting up. "No. Why? No!" He says. "Doc? Any way to know for sure, any test?" Sam ask. "I've studied Beverly's blood work backwards and forwards." She says shrugging. "My mom!" I watch as he screams making Taylor walk away shutting her eyes letting out a breath. "It took three hours for the virus to incubate. The sulfur didn't appear in the blood until then, so- no, there'd be no way of knowing. Not until after Duane turns." She says. "Dean, I gotta talk to you. Now." Sam says. Dean glances to Taylor, who nods. Dean and Sam leave the lab. I walk over to Taylor. "How you holding up?" I ask. "Pretty good, considering. What about you?" She ask smiling. "Okay I guess. What happened in the vision Taylor?" I ask. "It is happening any minute Dean is gonna walk in here without Sam wanting to shoot Duane. Dean walks in opens the door to the lab and shuts it behind him. Duane still tied to a chair squirms. "No, you're not gonna...No, No, I swear it's not in me!" He yells. "Oh God. We're all gonna die." Pam says. "Ari, go get Sam." Taylor says to me. I nod my head. "Dean, let's talk about this. Remember you'd never kill an innocent man." I hear Taylor say as I leave. I can her Duane sobs. I wait for a bang, but nothing happens. I can hear banging on on nearby door. Running toward it I see Sam in the window, he sighs in relief. Unlocking the latch I open it. "Did he kill him?" Sam ask. "No." I say. Dean rounds the corner Taylor behind him. "We need to get started on those explosives." Dean says. Walking into the room where Sam had been. 

Third Person's POV

        Sam and Dean are stuffing bottles with rags. Dr. Lee enters hands in her pockets. "It's been over four hours. Duane's blood is still clean. I don't think he's infected . I'd like to untie him, if that's all right. Dean looks to Sam they share a look where Sam nods. "Sure. Yeah." Dr. Lee leaves. "You know I'm gonna ask you why." Sam says. "Yeah, I know." Dean say. Taylor and Arianna are working on some bottle at another table like Sam had taught them. "So why? Why didn't you do it?" Sam ask. "We need more alcohol." Dean says looking up. "I can go get it." Taylor says getting up. "I'll come with you." Sam says. 

        They walk out toward the dispensary and find Pam already there. "How you holding up, Pam?" Sam ask. "Good. It'll all be over soon." She shuts the door and locks it. Sam doesn't notice however Taylor does. "In fact, I have been waiting for this the whole time." She says smiling. Taylor jabs Sam with her elbow hard. "What?" Pam grins wickedly "To get you two alone."  

        Pam lashes out and knock Sam to the ground. Taylor put out her hand trying to stop him from falling but Pam slices a line across her palm with a scalpel making her hiss. In a quick motion she puts her own bloody palm on Taylor's, then knocks her into the far wall. Pam straddles Sam's chest and hits him  hard across the face. Outside the door. Arianna and Dean hear the commotion and arm themselves. Pam has the scalpel in one hand, she slices it across Sam chest. She then places the bloody hand used on Taylor to it. Dean kicks the door open and shoots her three times in the back. She convulses then falls to the floor. Taylor is up now looking at her hand grimacing. Sam reaches out a hand for Dean to help him up. Dean fixing to help him is grabbed by Arianna. "They are- infected." She says choking back tears. Sam pulls back his hand.  Dean looks to Taylor and Sam who realize it is true.  

        Taylor and Sam are both sitting on stools in the middle of the room both their wounds have been bandaged. Dean is pacing angrily, Arianna was sitting in a chair shocked tears still coming down her face. "Doc, check their wounds again. would you?" He says. "What's the need for her to examine them for? You saw what happened?" Mark says. "Did her blood actually enter your wound?" the Doctor ask. "Come on, of course it did!" Mark yells. "We don't know that for sure." Dean yells just as loud. "Dean, it did." Taylor whispers sadly making him glare at the floor. "You know what we have to do." Mark says. "Nobody is shoot them!" Arianna suddenly says. "We can't take a chance."  Duane says. "Nobody is shooting anyone!" Dean yells. "You were gonna shoot me!" Duane exclaims. "If you don't shut your pie-hole, I still might!" Dean yells. "Dean, they're right. We're infected. Just give us the gun and we'll take care of it." Sam says and Taylor nods in agreement. "Forget it." Dean says. "Dean, I don't want to be a monster." Taylor says tears gathering in her eyes. Dean's face softens. "We still have time." Ari says. "Time for what? Look I understand they are important to you and I'm sorry, I am. But we gotta take care of this." Mark says pulling out his handgun from earlier. "I'm gonna say this one more time- you make a move on them, you'll be dead before you hit the ground. You understand me? I mean, do I make myself clear?!" Dean yell gettin up in his face. "Then what are we supposed to do?" Mark ask. Dean tosses him his keys. "Get the hell out of here, that's what.  Take my car. You've got the explosives, there's an arsenal in there. You two go with him. That means you Ari." He says looking to her. "No! I am not leaving." She says shaking her head, crying. "What" about you?" Mark ask. "Dean. No. Go with them. This is your only chance!" Sam says Taylor is looking to Arianna who was standing beside him crying. "You're not gonna get rid of me that easy." Dean says grinning slightly. "No, he's right. Come with us." Mark says. When Dean doesn't reply he nods. "Okay, it's your funeral." 

                Dean shuts the door after everyone files out. Arianna runs up to Taylor giving her a hug crying profusely on her shoulder. "I thought I told you to 'get the heck out of dodge'. "Taylor says sending her that famous crooked smile.  "I thought I told you 'I wasn't leaving." Arianna replies. "I wish we had a deck of cards or a foosball table, or something." Dean says letting out a laugh. "Dean, don't do that. Just take Arianna and get the hell out of here." Arianna looks at Sam shaking her head no. "No way." Dean says. "Just give me the gun, and leave." Taylor says gently pushing Arianna away. "For the last time. No." He says looking to them. Taylor slams her good hand down on the table, gets up and goes to the back of the room. "This is the dumbest thing you have ever done. At least get Aria out of her." Sam says. "I am not leaving you and Taylor. No way." Arianna says. "Oh, I don't know about that. Remember that waitress in Tampa?" Dean says jokingly then shudders. Sam lets out an  uneven breath and looks down. "Dean. Can you stop with the bullsh*t? For once listen to what we are telling you! Sam and I are sick. It doesn't have to be over for you and Arianna!" Taylor yells tears now coming from her eyes. "No?" Dean says. "No, you can keep going." Sam says. "Who says we want to?" Arianna says walking over to Dean. "What?" Taylor says. "I think It goes for both of us when I say this. I'm tired of this job, this life... this weight on my shoulders, man. I'm tired of it?" Deans says sitting down pulling a gun from his waistband. "So what? You're just going to give up?" Taylor ask. "You're just gonna lay down and die? Look, Dean, I know this stuff with Dad has-" Sam started. "Your wrong. It's not about Dad. I mean, part of it is, sure, but- Taylor cuts him off. "What is it about Dean?"  They hear a noise outside. Dean hands one gun to Arianna, then there's a knocking at the door. It is Dr. Lee. Dean opens it. "You'd better come see this." She says. Outside is deathly silent. "There's no one. Not anywhere. They've all just...vanished." She says.

               Inside the clinic Dr. Lee is looking through the microscope; Sam and Taylor are seated on the exam table. "Well, it's been five hours and your blood is still clean. I don't understand it but I think you dodged a bullet." She says happily. "But we were exposed. How can I not be infected?" Taylor ask confused. "I don't know but you're just not. I mean, you compare it with the Tanner samples..." She looks through another microscope. "What the hell?" She says. "What?" Sam ask. "Their blood. There's no trace of the virus. No sulfur, nothing." She says

                Mark and Duane are loading up a truck. Dr. Lee stands in the doorway of the clinic. "Hey, the Sarge and I are getting the hell out of here, heading south. You should come." Duane says to Dr. Lee. "I;d better get over to sidewinder, get the authorities up her. If they'll believe me. Take care." She says. Mark waves to her and then to Sam, Dean, Arianna, and Taylor, who are leaning against the Impala. "What about them?" Dean says gesturing to Sam and Taylor. "They're are going to be fine. No signs of infection." Dr. Lee goes back inside as Mark and Duane pull away in the truck Dean turns to Sam and Taylor. "Hey, don't look at us we don't have a clue." Taylor says. "I swear, I'm gonna lose sleep over this one. I mean why here, why now? And where the hell did everybody go? It's like they just friggin' melted." Dean says. "Why was we immune?" Sam ask. "Yeah. You know what? That is a good question. You know, I'm already feeling like this is the one that got away." All of them pile into the car and pull away from the town.

        Mark and Duane are in the truck driving when suddenly Duane says "Can you pull over I gotta make a call." Mark looks to him confused. "No phone out here." Duane smirks. "Don't worry I got it covered." He says pulling out a small knife. "What the hell is that?" Mark ask. In a quick motion Duane slits Mark's throat; catching the blood in a metal bowl. He sits back and hips his hand into the blood swirling it around. "I'ts over, you'll be pleased. I don't think any more test are necessary." The blood bubbles. "The Winchester boy and James girl, are definitely immune, as expected." the blood bubbles with a pause. "Yes, of course, Nothing left behind." He smiles black eyes flickering. 

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