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Bee and I were sitting on a berth in one of the rooms. Bee and I locked ourselves in the room. We didn't want to see the world. What I saw yesterday changed my life forever. I didn't even want to go home. I stayed with Bee. He needed me and I needed him. Bee hasn't said anything. He became depressed. He just lost his girlfriend. The person we both cared about the most.

"Bee I really don't want to leave you. But I should be getting home." I said. Bee nodded. He got up and we walked to the main room. Bee transformed and we headed to my house. The ride was quite. Bee will never will be the same. And I won't either. I walked into my house and laid in bed. I looked at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. And I won't be for a while.


Starscream and Shockwave arrived in front of Rafs house.

"This is it" Stockwave said.

"Alright. Let's blow this place." Starscream said. They got a bomb ready.

"Someone's watching us" Stockwave said.

"Then make it quick!" Starscream commanded. He threw the bomb into the house. They left the house. There was one minute until boom!


I heard something outside my house. It was 1:00 in the morning. So I went back to bed. Then I heard a knock at my window.

"Raf. Raf get out now!"the voice said. I looked out my window. A familiar bot was standing outside it.

"Ashley?!" I said .

"Raf get out now!"she yelled. I quickly got out of bed and ran outside. Ashley was there in bot form. She had her hand over her Spark.

"Why do we need to leave?" I asked. I was still in shock that she's right here right now.

"Because there is a bomb in your house. We need to get far away!

"But my family!" I said. Ashley was going to get them when the bomb went off. It gave loud notice. And pieces of the house flew all over. Ashley picked me up and held me close to her. I closed my eyes.

"This can't be happening" I thought. Ashley transformed and told me to say here and that Agent Fowler was on his way.

"Don't go Ashley" I said. Then I realized what I said. "Ashley!" I ran over and hugged her in car form. I didn't care.

"I'm glad your alive." I said. A black car pulled up and Agent Fowler got out and walked over.

"Take care of Raf. I'll be back." She said as she drove away. I just couldn't believe it! Ashley was alive. Wait until Bee finds out.


I was standing in the main room of the base. I just stared at the wall knowing that Ashley wouldn't be coming in. Just then a car that looked half burnt came in. I readied my gun. The bot transformed.

"Ashley!!!!" I yelled. I ran over to her and kissed her. I hugged her as long as I could before she pulled away. She removed the hand that was covering her Spark. A hole was there.

"Ratchet!" I yelled. Ratchet came over and repaired Ashley.

"Why do you look burnt?" I ask.

"Because the Cons blew up Rafs house. I was able to save Raf but not his family" she said. Ashley looked mad. I gave her another hug.

"You tried your best. You helped Raf." I said. She looked at me and smiled. Then Agent Fowler and Raf came in. Raf was in tears.

"Oh Raf!" Ashley said. She picked him up and held him close to her spark. Raf just kept crying. Ashley started to get tears in her eyes. I walked over and put my arm around her and pulled her close. I looked at Raf.

"Don't worry Raf. It's going to be ok." I said. Raf looked up at us. We smiled. Raf hugged Ashley and then hugged me.

"Ashley? Why are you still here? I thought you....." Raf asked.

"When they shot me they didn't hit me in the Spark. I was able to move even tho I was in pain. They fixed me sorta because they wanted my parts. So when I thought it was right I was able to escape." Ashley said. Raf stopped crying.

"I...I...I..I thought I lost you. And I'm glad your ok" Raf said.

"Come on Raf. You need some sleep." I said. Ashley carried Raf to one of the rooms and laid him on a berth and he fell asleep. Ashley and I shut the door and left. We went for a drive. As we drove we still saw smoke from Rafs house.

"I feel so bad for Raf. I wish this didn't happen" Ashley said as we stopped at our stop. We transformed and sat on the edge.

"I do too. But Raf will be safe. No matter what happens we will be here for him" I said. I put my arm around her and kissed her.

"I love you Ash." I said.

"I love you too Bee." She said. She leaned her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead. And we sat and looked at the night sky.

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