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"Ratchet I need a groundbridge back to base" Look alike Ashley told Ratchet. When the groundbridge appeared she walked thru the bridge and into the base.
"Well what did you find?" Ratchet asked as he closed the bridge
"Cons. They were cutting down trees for something. Not sure what"
"Ummm ok. Thanks Ashley" Ratchet said as he went back to his computers.
"So Ashley! Did you kick some butt out there" Raf asked
"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" Ashley told him. But Raf noticed something off about her. But what? Just then Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bumblebee arrived at base.
"This is all of them. Probably time to make my move soon." Ashley thought.
"Hey Ash. Wanna go for a drive?" Bee asked Ash
"Umm not today. Maybe some other time." Replied Ashley.
"Let's see here." Ashley thought." Who would the bots never hurt. Who would they save?" Then Ashley looked at Raf. "Perfect" Ashley grabbed Raf and stuck out her gun.
"No one move!" She yelled
"Ashley! What's wrong with you!" Raf yelled.
"Raf!" Bee yelled taking a step toward Ashley
"Nope! You don't move! None of you!" She yelled. All if the bots took out their weapons.
"How cute! You all trying to save Ashley's pet."
"It's a Con! But but how!" Ratchet questioned
"What did you do to Ashley!" Bee yelled.
"Oh nothing personal. I'm not sure why they wanted her. Probably to I don't know kill her."
"No! Let Raf go!" Bee yelled.
"How did you do this!" Arcee asked
"Simple. I was built to clone other bots. When I got built they wanted to test me. And well the best option was the next bot that got in my way was to be cloned, which was your precious Ashley. To bad she's gonna miss the death of her own pet!" Ashley laughed. Raf started to yell
"Ashley will escape! And when she does she will rip you up!" Raf yelled.
"To bad that's not going to happen. Lord Starscream is probably killing her right now. Oh what an event. Two deaths in one day. Well you can prevent one death today, if you give me the coordinates to your base." No one said anything." What a shame" Ashley said. Just then a car came speeding into the base transforming and punching the fake Ashley to the ground. Raf fell out of her hands and Bee caught Raf.
"Are you ok?" Bee asked Raf
"I'm fine but who was....Ashley!!" Raf said. Ashley took the fake and slammed it against the wall!
"Why! Why did you do this!" She yelled. The Con didn't answer "Well why? Why did you do this to Raf! To Bee! To me!" She yelled again. The Cons smirked.
"Silly Ashley. I have the same powers as you. Your not better then me. But that doesn't mean I can't destroy you!" Said the Con as she punched Ashley.
"Ashley.." Bee said trying to help.
"No Bee. This fight is fine" Ashley said as she stood up and faced the mock. She then took out her gun and blade.
"Let's finish this." Ashley said. She raised her blade and was going to cut the Con when the Cons blade stopped it. They fought to keep the blade from slipping. The Cons blade slipped as Ashley stabbed the Cons then shot it in the Spark. The Cons fell over. Ashley put her weapons away.
"Ashley your ok!" Bee said as he run up to her and kissed her.
"Yes Bee I'm ok." She said.
"Ashley thanks for saving me" Raf said. Ashley picked up Raf.
"I would do anything for you Raf." Ashley smiled.
"What did they do to you?" Bee asked
"Well once I was conscious I was strapped to something. But the straps weren't tight enough so right when they were about to shoot I shot at them and snuck out. I was able to find my way back to base. I didn't want them to hurt any of you." Ashley said.
"I'm glad they didn't hurt you." Raf said smiling. But when Raf looked into Ashely's eyes he could tell she wasn't telling them what the Cons really did to her.

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