Shes Back! Again

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I followed Arcee/Blackrose thru the groundbridge and into what I'm guessing is the Decepticon base. I keep my distance from her as I follow her into a room. Inside the room was Shockwave and Starscream. I hide.
"I got the Dark Energon" Blackrose tells them
"Very good. Now all you need to do is put it in your spark and you will live again!" Shockwave says. Blackrose nods and leaves the room. Starscream and Shockwave have their backs turned to me. I quietly walk past them and enter a short hallway. I look thru a window on one of the doors to see Arcee putting the Dark Energon into Blackroses spark chamber. I open the door. Blackroses eyes flicker on. I walk over to Arcee who is looking at Blackrose.
"Is this what I did?"she asks.
"It doesn't matter. We need to get you out of here!" I tell her.
"What about you!" Arcee asks.
"She's mine!" Blackrose says getting up.
"Arcee get out now!" I yell. She looks at me and nods. She runs out of the room.
"It's just you and me" Blackrose says smirking. We charge at each other taking out blades out. They hit against each other.
"You will die today" Blackrose says
"We will see" I say. We fight in the small room.
"What's going on in here!!" Shockwave yells as he storms in. He looks at me."you again! Ugh.. Well don't fight in here. It's where all my equipment is. Fight outside" he demands.
"Ok mom" I say rolling my eyes as I leave the room.
"Don't worry. I'll take care of her" I hear Blackrose say.
"You better" Shockwave says. We finally are outside the base. Why did I listen to Shockwave? Don't ask. His equipment is so valuable. Whatever. I take my blade out again.
"Now you will die" Blackrose says. I roll my eyes. We charge at each other.

Back At Autobot Base..........


Arcee just came back.
"Are you ok Arcee?" Jack asks her. Ratchet checks her over to make sure she is.
"Yes I am" she tells him.
"Wait where's Ashley?" I ask. She hesitates.
"She's still there" she says.
"She wanted me to leave. Her and Blackrose are going to probably fight again"
"And you left! You didn't have to leave!"
"She wanted me to"
"She's alone! With Blackrose! Near the Con base! They could be doing something to her!" I couldn't even talk. How can this be happening.
"Calm down Bee. I'm sure Ashley's fine. She knows what to do" Raf tells me.
"Can you find her location Ratchet?"
"Yes. Her signal came up. I'll ready the groundbridge." Ratchet readies the bridge and I walk thru.

Back Near The Con Base..........


My gun was out shooting at Blackrose. She was shooting back. I took out my blade and ran toward her. Our blades smacked against each other. I use my other hand and punch her. She punches me back. We take out our guns and continue shooting. One of her shots hit me. Everything went black.

I don't know how long I was out for. Blackrose was standing on top of me. She was laughing. She took out her gun and pressed it against my chest. Then a groundbridge appeared. She looked up. Now was my chance. I push her off and start shooting. I got up and ran toward her with my blade.
"Wait!" she yelled. I stopped running and walked up to her.
"What!" I yell at her .
"Let's make a bet. Like what we use to do on Cybertron."she said. I looked over to see Bee walking over with his guns ready.
"What kind of bet" I ask.
"Racing bet" she says. I think for a minute. I look at Bee.
"Don't do it. Who knows what she will say" Bee says.
"I'll tell you the bet now. If I win you have to leave Nevada and never come back." She says smiling .
"And if I win?" I ask.
"I'll leave you, Bumblebee, and your pet alone" she says. I look at Bee again.
"And what if she doesn't agree to the bet?" he asks.
"Then I will destroy you. I'll harm your pet and I will kill Ashley" she says. I can't believe I'm going to do this. But I need to protect Raf.
"Fine. I'll agree to your stupid bet." I tell her.
"I thought you would. Meet me at the Nevada state line tomorrow at noon. I'll see you then" Blackrose says as she transforms and drives away.
"Why did I do that" I say shaking my head.
"Ash. You did what you thought was right. But your racing against Just Blackrose. With no other cars. Which means she will do what she did to you on Cybertron." Bee tells me.


The bet was whoever lost would never be allowed to race on Cybertron again. It was a close race but I won. Blackrose was angry. One night Bee and I were sitting outside when she attacked us. Shooting and fighting us. Telling me that if I don't let her race again then I will die. I told her it was a bet and you had to go along with it. But she didn't listen. So I undid the bet. Why? Don't ask. I didn't want her to come after Bee and I again.


"And she's gonna do that again if she loses" Bee says.
"I know. But I'll make sure that she doesn't break the bet. Or we will have problems" I tell Bee. We head back to base.
"Hey Ash!" Raf says when he sees me. I put on a fake smile.
"Hey Raf"
"Did you destroy some Blackrose!" Raf asks. Oh great. How am I gonna tell him.
"Not exactly" I say.
"Ashley what did you do?" Ratchet asks.
" I made a bet with Blackrose"
"Wait you mean a racing bet?" Miko asks
"Yup"I say. Not wanting to talk about this.
"The bet is if Ashley wins Blackrose won't hurt us again. If Ashley loses she will have to leave Nevada" Bee says.
"What! Ash! You can't leave Nevada." Raf yells
"Raf I did this so she wouldn't hurt you. She wouldn't hurt the team!"
"And if you lose you will have to leave!" Raf yells as he runs from the main room. Great. I feel like an idiot. I follow Raf into one of the small rooms. He's sitting on one of the berths crying. I sit next to him.
"Raf. I know you don't like what I'm doing"
"I know you did it for the team. I just don't want you to leave Nevada."
"I don't want to either if I lose. Don't worry Raf. I will try my best to win. And if I lose I will try my best to come back. No matter what"
"You promise?"

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