Your World

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I was on Cybertron. Then a "gang" of bots came up to me.

"We see you practicing on the track. You seem good. What do you say we race two days from now. Us against you" the leader says. I think for a moment. My first race since forever. I would love to race again.

"We are a very strong team. We race rough. You will lucky to best us. A femme has never beaten us and never will" another adds

"They are too weak" the third says. Alright they want a race they got one.

"Alright, we will race two days from now" I say.

"Glad you said yes. Meet us here at the track at midnight. Don't be late" the leader says. They then all walk away. I start to walk back to the track.

"Practice makes perfect I guess" I say to myself as I transform and race around the track

-----------the next day----------------


It was around noon. Jack, Miko and I were playing video games, again.

"This is so boring" Miko says putting the remote down. All the bots were gone except Ash and Ratchet. The rest were on a Decepticon search. Ash was watching us while Ratchet was working on his computers.

"Well. You wanna do something. Go somewhere" Ash asks us.

"Lets go to Cybertron" Miko says quickly. Ashley hesitates.

"Do you think they will mind if I take you" she asks

"No way. Besides it's just Cybertron" Miko says.

"Ok then. Go get your space stuff on guys. Field trip to Cybertron" Ash says. Once we are all ready, Ashley readies the space bridge.

"Ratchet! We will be on Cybertron if you need us" Ashley yells to Ratchet.

"Yup. Sure. Whatever"he says. Ashley rolls her eyes.

"Let's go" she says. All four of us walk into the space bridge and to Cybertron. Miko seemed super excited. Once we reached Cybertron, Ashley walked around with us. She let us go anywhere as long as it was safe.

"How about the track Ash. Let's show Jack and Miko how you race" I say. I'm sure they would love to see Ash race.

"Yes! Can we pleeeaaaseee" Miko begs. She looks at Jack.
"Sure. Let's go" he says. We all walk to the track

"Woah. This place is huge" Miko says. Ashley transforms into her car mode. All of the doors open except the drivers side.

"Hop in guys" she says. We all run and hop in. I sat in the back with Miko. Jack sat in the front since he was the oldest. Ashley started her engine, which again seemed louder then usual. She then sped off down the track. We raced around the track.

"This is sooooo sweet" Miko says. Then we near one of the jumps. This time I didn't close my eyes. Ashley sped up and raced toward the jump. While we were in the air, Miko put her hands up.

"Awesome" she says when we land on the other side.

"Well that was scary" Jack says.

"It's not bad Jack" I say. After a few laps later Ashley stops.

"So. Did you enjoy it" she asks

"Yesssss" Miko says. She was still smiling.

"Let's go back to base" Ashley says. She asks for a space bridge back to base. One appeared and we all walked through. Once we reached base, all the bots turned to us. Arcee crossed her arms. Jack, Miko, and I went to put our space stuff away.


Once we arrived at base I could tell something was wrong. The kids went to put the space stuff away . Arcee crossed her arms.

"Where were you" she asks. She seems upset.

"Cybertron" I say.

"Why did you go there"

"The kids wanted to. So I took them" Arcee walks closer to me.

"What did you do there" she asks.

"Showed them around....."

"You raced with them didn't you" she interrupts me.

"Ya. They wanted me to" I say

"Why would you do that" she yells

"Arcee calm down" Bulkhead says

"What! Your happy that she just took them to Cybertron and raced with them"

"If Miko had a good time. It doesn't bother me"

"They could have been hurt! Do you know how dangerous that sport is"

"We were the only ones there" I say.

"Oh shut up. Do you think I care if it was just you or not. They could have been hurt. You didn't even ask us" she yells. I've had enough

"Alright look. You wanted me to watch the kids, I did. They wanted to go to Cybertron, I took them. They wanted to race, I took them around the track" I yelled back at her.

"I don't care. You could have said no" she yells back.

"Arcee. You would have taken them too" Bulkhead says. Arcee walks closer to me. The kids come back.

"Alright. I don't want the kids to get sucked into your world of racing. I've seen you race. To many things go on in that world. Those kids don't need to be knowing what happens" she yells. I'm done. Apparently none of them like what I do anymore. I'm sick of it.

"Well then you know what. I'm done. I'm not arguing with you. You can watch them from now on. You don't know why I did the things I did. But I guess I'll have to go back to that life" I yell. I open a space bridge.

"Fine by me. Just keep us out of that messed up world of yours" Arcee yells

"Ashley wait. Come on. Arcee is just upset" Bee says.

"She's not upset. She just doesn't want me around the kids. Well her wish is granted" I say. I walk away from Bee and into the bridge. I arrive back on Cybertron. The bridge closes behind me.


Wow. That was intense.

"Arcee. Why are you upset that Ashley took us" Jack asks

"That world of racing. Not a good place to be. Especially with someone like Ashley" she says. What does she mean.

"What do you mean" I ask.

"The world of racing on Cybertron is fun, but there is also a bad side. Ashely was part of it. She was a well known racer. Just ask Bumblebee. But behind the scenes were bets and gambles. The other bots thought they could beat Ashley so they would do this. They would make bets with her. They would also make deals. Bots would team up to try and stop her. Racing got to a point where it was brutal. At least one bot got hurt or died in a race. And I don't want you part of that world. That's why I'm mad"

"How do you even know about this" Milo asks.

"Because I've seen it happen" she says.

"So bots wanted Ashley dead" I say

"Exactly. That's I don't want you around her when she races. If they do something to her, either you will get hurt or you will see her get hurt" I walk over to Bee.

"Raf. Ashley is experienced enough to know this. She knows how to handle things. She's not getting hurt anytime soon" he says loud enough for Arcee to hear.

"I believe you Bee. Ashley won't let anything happen to her" I say. And I knew it. But why would Ashley make bets. That's what I want to know.

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