Against Us

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Once we were able to reach Cybertron, we started to move new equipment into the base. I helped move the small things.

"Hey. Wanna see what's around here" Miko asks,

"Sure" I say. Jack, Miko, and I tell the bots that we will be walking around outside base. We leave. We walk further and further. There wasn't much to see at all. We decide to head back.

"Race you guys" Jack says.

"You and Miko can. I'll walk" I say. And in a matter of seconds they race out of sight. I slowly walk back to base. I hear something and start to walk faster.

"What do we have here. One of the Autobots pets" I hear. I turn around to see Starscream. I start to run.

"You can't run away from me" he says. I trip and fall.

"Looks like they will be missing a pet. To bad no one was here to save you" Starsream laughs. I'm terrified. I was gonna die. Starscream takes out his gun and points it at me.

"There is no use for you. I might as well end your life now" he says. He gun is ready to be fired. I close my eyes. All I hear is the gun going off. But it doesn't hit me. I feel nothing. Did he miss? I slowly open my eyes. But it wasn't Starscreams gun that went off. I look at the bot that was running for him. The bot punched him.

"What! How are you still here!"he yells.

"Guess Autobots don't die easily" Ashley says. Starscream takes out his blade and is ready to stab her but she moves out of the way. They fight for a long time until I hear a really loud car engine. The black car transforms into Blackrose and tackles Ashley to the ground. Blackrose starts punching Ash. I need to get Bee. I quickly grab my phone.

"Bee. It's Raf. Ashleys in trouble. Hurry quick" I all I say. I watch as Ashley gets beaten up by the cons.


"Bee it's Raf. Ashleys in trouble. Hurry quick" is all I hear Raf say. I run out of base. How could Ashley be alive. I didn't care. I just kept running until I saw Blackrose and Starscream. They were laughing. I then see Ash. She was slowly getting up. I run toward Ashley and run in front of her.

"Now we have Bumblebee. What a party" Blackrose says. I take out my gun and shoot them. They both come running toward me. Starscream fights me while Blackrose charges at Ash. They fight for a while. Then it seems Ashley gives up. Blackrose grabs her and throws her against a building. I break from Starscreams grip and shot Blackrose.

"Blackrose! Let's go" Starscream yells. The two cons retreat. I see Raf as he runs toward Ash.

"Ashley! Your ok" Raf yells. He puts his arms around her foot like a hug. I didn't know how to react. She was back! Once Raf was done hugging her, I run up and wrap her in a huge hug. I kiss her.

"" I say. I look at her face. It had fear all over it.

"What's wrong" I ask.

"Bee. Cop cars" I hear Raf. I turn around. Cop cars I've never seen before surround us. They hold giant guns at us. Behind me Ashley walks next to me.

"Ashley. What's going on" I ask.

"Humans. They sided with the Decepticons. We need to move now" she says. I grab Raf and transform. Behind me Ashley shoots at the helicopters that start to shoot at her. She then transforms and follows me. We drove into the woods to lose them. I transform with Raf on my shoulder. Ashley transforms.

"Did they hurt you" she asks.

"No. Are you ok" I ask. She nods her head.

"How did they find us" Raf asks.

"Raf. Listen. They want me. They have been following me. That's why I haven't been with you all. I've known were you have been all this time. I survived the explosion. Humans have teamed up with cons. Ok they want me. Raf I will make sure that they won't hurt you. I will protect you and Bee from them" Ashley says. She looks at me.

"Ashley. They won't take you. They won't take any of us. We will stick together" I say. I hear helicopters. Before I could react, Ashley gets shot at by the helicopters. They shoot nets at her.

"No one is hurting her" I yell. I set Raf down and run toward her. She uses her blade and starts to cut the nets. Humans run up and start spraying a blue substance at her. She starts to cough.

"Get away you traitors" Ashley yells in between coughs. I run up to her and help her remove the nets. I start to cough but continue to help. Once we remove the nets, I help her up.

"Bee! Ashley! Help" we hear Raf. We run towards him. Humans grab him.

"You get away from him" Ashley yells. She grabs Raf. We keep running. I hear Ashley still coughing. She starts to slow down.

"Ash. Come on. We need a place to hide" I yell. We still keep running. Finally, after we are sure we lost them, we find a place to hide. We end up in a large cave. We walk inside. Ashley puts Raf down. She then almost collapses coughing. I help her up and help her to the end of the cave.

"You ok Ash" I ask.

"Ya....I'm ok" she says. She smiles.

"Thanks Ashley. For saving me" Raf says.

"Of course Raf" she says.

"How long are we gonna be in here" Raf asks

"We will leave tomorrow. I wanna make sure they are gone" I say.

"Ok" Raf says. Ashley was sitting on the ground. Raf walks up to her and leans against her. He falls asleep. I walk up to her.

"I missed you" I say.

"Me too" she says.

"Don't ever scare me again. I thought you died" I say.

"I wanted to. But they were following me. I didn't want them to harm you" she says.

"I'm just glad your ok Ash. I love you" I say.

"Love you too Bee" she says. I kiss her on the forehead.

"I'm gonna make sure no one comes" I say. I walk to the entrance of the cave and stand guard

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