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Have you ever had that eerie sense where you feel like somebody's watching you? You can't put words to it, but it's a pit of fear that grows in your stomach. It forms goosebumps on your skin and makes you feel paranoid.

The ironic part is every time you turn around to check, there's never anyone there. It's simply your mind playing tricks on you, or so you think. I get that feeling every so often, kind of like right now. I turn my body away from my dresser and look back to my window.

I slowly make my way toward the thick glass and peer out into the darkness. It's a weird feeling I can't describe, but it happens more than I would like.

Sometimes when I'm getting dressed or hanging out with my boyfriend, I feel like somebody's getting a front row seat into the madness that is my life. My focus stays on the trees as I begin to squint my eyes into the night.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I jerk back at the sudden voice coming from my bedroom door.

"What the hell?" I let out a longing sigh as I stare at my two best friends. My heart is beating rapidly as I try to catch my breath. "You guys scared me."

"Did you forget we have a party to get to?" Amanda rolls her eyes as she glares at me.

"What were you looking at?" Nicole laughs as she sits down on my bed.

"Nothing." I shake my head before closing the blinds. I walk back to my makeup bag and take out my favorite lipstick, Red Revenge. "I'm almost ready."

"You're usually the first one ready." Amanda shakes her head in disappointment.

"Since when do we ever arrive on time?" I lowly scoff as I look at myself in the mirror. "It's better to be fashionably late."

I smooth out my brown hair as my eyes stare at my appearance, which consists of high waisted denim jeans and a white lace tank top. I leave my hair down and wavy as I slip my feet into pumps.

"High waisted jeans again?" Amanda judges as she stares at my outfit.

"What's wrong with them?" I look down at my pants.

"Nothing, you just always wear those." She comments as she looks down at her phone.

"I think you look great, Rachel." Nicole rolls her eyes as she stands up. I shoot her a small smile while she smirks at me.

"I mean, you look hot. That outfit is just last season." Amanda sighs as she continues to stare down at her phone.

She's wearing a short black skirt with a light blue crop top, showing off a good amount of cleavage. Her golden blonde hair is straightened and her black heels are higher than mine.

"We love the fashion police." Nicole mumbles, clearly annoyed.

"Okay, everybody out." I clear my throat as I motion for them to leave my room.

Amanda eagerly rushes toward the door while Nicole lets out a sigh. My two best friends could not be more opposite from each other.

Amanda is pretty mysterious. She keeps a lot of things to herself and is very secretive, especially when it comes to boys. We never know who she's crushing on or who she hooks up with. She'll brag about having a hot night of wild sex, but never tells you with who.

Because she is always trying to look her best and is constantly making snarky comments, not too many people like her. She's judgmental and isn't afraid to speak her mind, which can get her into trouble.

In contrast, Nicole is very laid back and could care less about what people think. She's popular on her own because of her go with the flow personality. She's really easy going and has a likable presence to her.

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