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I bury my face into my pillow, closing my eyes at the somewhat calming feeling that is taking over me. Laying in bed and hiding away from the world seems to ironically relax me.

It's Saturday night and I don't plan on leaving my bed. The outside world is not on my side lately, and a curfew is still enforced. I am so sick of hearing my cell phone ring. Whether it's a call or a text, the sound makes my stomach turn. I lean over and grab my iphone, seeing an incoming call from Ethan. I press the accept button and hold the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I let out a small yawn as I stare up at the ceiling.

"Hey babe, what's up?" His deep voice radiates my ear.

"Nothing much, just laying in bed." I admit with a tiny laugh.

"Sound fun." He chuckles. "I'm not sure if you're up for it but we're all grabbing some food at the grill in a little bit. Wanna come?"

"Oh, I don't know." I look back toward my window.

"Please, Nicole really wants you there, and so do I."

"I'm not really in the mood to leave my house." I shrug off the idea as I look around my quiet bedroom.

"Sitting alone all night isn't good for you. Just come out with us." He starts to beg.

"What about the curfew?" I ask as I sit up.

"We can always go back to someone's house. It's Saturday night, Rach. Live a little." I can hear the smile appearing on his face.

I stay silent for a moment and contemplate my night. If I go out, I could be an easy target for Amanda's killer to pray on. Before I can open my mouth, Ethan answers for me. "You're coming, I will pick you up myself."

"No, it's fine I'll drive." I let out a small sigh.

"See you at six, babe." His voice is happy as he hangs up the phone.

I loudly groan and stand up to peel the sweater and sweatpants off my body. I change into a maroon long sleeve shirt and jeans. The weather has been chilly lately, so I grab a beanie out of my closet and throw it over my head. I slip boots onto my feet and apply some light makeup.

After running Red Revenge over my lips, I take the keys to my jeep and head out into the intimidating night. I don't even want to go out, but hiding in my room might be worse. Taking in a deep breath, I begin to drive over to the grill. Halfway there, I realize I'm going to pass Amanda's street.

Anxious nerves take over me as I halt at a stop sign next to Morris Avenue. I stare at the green street sign for a moment before turning down it. Pulling up to the large white house gives me weird feelings knowing Amanda isn't inside. I see that both of her parents cars are in the driveway.

Before I can think twice, my feet are moving up the walkway and I'm already knocking on the door. I stare at the heavy wood and hold onto a breath. Amanda was always rushing me out of it to go to the mall or to stalk the boys football practice.

Now, it's simply just a piece of wood. Her father eventually opens the door and gives me a surprised expression.

"Rachel, hello." His voice is low and shaky.

"Hi Mr. Harding." I greet the depressed man. "I'm sorry for stopping by on short notice, I was heading to the grill and wanted to see how you and Joan were doing." I quickly explain.

"Ah, yes. Amanda goes there all the time. Well, went." My heart breaks as he corrects himself. "Please, come in." He steps to the side.

I nod slowly as I step into the messy house. There are boxes everywhere and it looks like it hasn't been clean in weeks. I feel so bad for them, I can only imagine the pain they feel everyday knowing somebody killed their child.

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