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"Grayson, what the hell?!" Ethan yells after his brother. "Are you insane?"

"No Ethan, I'm not." Grayson stops walking down the hallway and turns back to face us. "Kelsey was making it seem like I'm some murderer because I stepped away from the party."

"So what? You didn't need to accuse her of stabbing someone!" Ethan shouts. Grayson and I exchange awkward looks as the rest of the group goes back to class.

"Why do you care about her anyway? Why are you defending Kelsey?" Grayson asks. I look back at Ethan, hoping he says the right thing.

"I don't care about her, I care about you. What you did was uncalled for. Now this detective might look into it."

"Into it? There's nothing to look into, I didn't do anything!" Grayson is furious with his brother, I can see it in his hurtful eyes.

"Nobody knows who did this, it could be anyone." Ethan's voice turns low and raspy.

I watch Grayson's face completely drop as shock takes over his expression. "You think it could have been me?"

"I didn't say that I-"

"You didn't need to. I got the message loud and clear. You're right, Ethan. It could have been anyone, even you." Grayson turns back around and angrily walks down the hallway.

I stay silent as I look down at the ground, unsure what to even say.

"He's unbelievable." Ethan shakes his head as he turns to look at me.

"He's just angry." I let out a sigh as I look up at him.

"Are you okay? I know that was hard for you." He places his hand on my cheek and begins to caress my skin.

"I'm fine, I guess. It was weird to hear everyone talk about her like that."

He doesn't say anything, he simply pulls me into a hug. We never hugged this much before Amanda died, but it's a pretty nice feeling. His tight arms wrap around my short body as he holds onto me.

"I'm sorry that you keep getting reminded of it." He lowly whispers.

"Me too." I mumble into his chest. I pull away from his embrace and stare up at him. A giddy smile is appearing over his lips. "What?"

"Nothing, I'm just happy to have you." He slowly leans down and kisses my lips.

I kiss him back gently before pulling away again. "I should get back to class."

"Okay, I'll see you at lunch." He smiles and I nod. I walk back to class to try to continue on with my day. My mind keeps drifting off to the interrogation and what everyone was saying.

I feel really guilty for not telling Detective Martin about the reason behind Amanda's missing phone. I want to go to the police, but I always stop myself. I'm dealing with a dangerous person and I need to think of everything carefully. My classes drag by, not that I'm really paying attention to them anyway.

I just want my day to be over so I can go home. When the bell for lunch rings, I jump out of my math class and head for the cafeteria. I'm not in the mood to see Kelsey or Crystal, even though I know they'll be sitting front row at my table.

As I'm passing the library, something catches my eye. I see Grayson sit down at one of the tables, pulling a sandwich out of a brown paper bag. He looks lonely, too lonely for my liking.

I muster up the courage to make my way through the doors of the quiet atmosphere. He keeps his eyes down on his food and his headphones are in his ears. I swallow my pride and take a seat across from him. He stares up at me with those dark brown eyes that used to make me melt.

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