t w e n t y o n e

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"Aren't you going to explain yourself?!" Ethan continues to press the topic as he stares into the depths of my soul.

"There's nothing to explain, she killed a child." Kelsey looks at me like I'm some peasant.

"Everybody just calm down." Jeremy mutters as he stares at me.

"So it's true? You got an abortion?" Nicole judges me with her brown eyes.

I don't know what to do, so I nod my head shamefully.

"You were pregnant and didn't tell me?!" Ethan yells so loud it causes me to flinch.

"I didn't tell you for this reason." I mutter as tears roll down my cheek.

"You made the decision of killing my child and you didn't even discuss it with me!" He shakes his head back and forth.

I stay silent, knowing that wasn't the reason I didn't tell him. I'm only hurting myself because my silence gives my actual secret away.

"Unless it wasn't yours." Crystal chimes in as she looks down at the paper.

Ethan peers back at me and waits for me to react, but I continue to stay mute. "Wait, is that true? Was it mine?"

"I don't know." I take in a deep breath as I sob.

"What do you mean you don't know? We were hooking up during the summer."

"Were you hooking up with anyone else?" Alex asks the dreadful question.

I go to open my mouth, but once again nothing comes out. Tears stream down my face as my body is frozen. I don't know what to say or do, I just feel pain throughout my body.

"Oh my god, you were." Ethan runs a hand through his black hair, tugging on it aggressively.

"We weren't official until the end of August." I try to explain myself.

"So it wasn't even my kid?!" Ethan yells as he looks at me.

"It could have been, I don't know." I peer down at the ground.

"What a slut, don't you know what a condom is?" Kelsey laughs while shaking her head.

"Who else were you sleeping with?" Ethan sternly asks me. "Who else could have gotten you pregnant?" My lip quivers as I bite onto it.

"Ethan, calm down." Grayson speaks up as he looks at his brother.

"No Grayson I will not calm down. This bitch hid a huge secret from me and she better fucking tell me who she was sleeping with." I have never seen Ethan so mad before in my entire life.

"It was me." Grayson clears his throat as my eyes widen.

Everyone in our little circle turns to look at him. Nicole gasps and Jeremy's eyes dilate. Alex's jaw hangs low while Kelsey and Crystal begin to laugh.

"What did you just say?" Ethan's voice is filled with pure shock.

"Rachel, are you serious?" Nicole looks at me.

"She was sleeping with me." Grayson glares at his twin.

"Fucking two twins at the same time? Wow." Crystal continues to scold me.

"You knew that she was hooking up with me too? Or are you just that stupid?" Ethan crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, I knew you guys were hooking up." Grayson says, causing more gasps around the circle. "I didn't care because you weren't actually dating and unlike you I love her."

"Love her?" Alex furrows his eyebrows. "How serious was this relationship?"

"Serious enough for her to come to me and tell me she was pregnant." Grayson mumbles as he looks down at me.

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