f i f t e e n

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The waiting area of the emergency room is quiet, so quiet you can hear a pin drop. My body is still trembling as I hold my phone to my ear, explaining to my mother that I'll be home late because my boyfriend got ran over.

"Ethan's mom is with the doctor, they don't know who was driving the car." I lowly mumble into the other line. Grayson is sitting next to me, burying his face in his hands.

"Do you need me to come get you? Are you alright?" My frantic mother asks.

"No, I'm okay." I quickly inform her.

"What the hell happened?" She doesn't seem to process this, but I don't either.

"We were at homecoming and I was meeting up with Ethan in the parking lot, that's when he got hit." The horrible memory replays in my mind. "He was unconscious, I couldn't talk to him." My eyes suddenly move to Ethan's mother, Lisa, walking over to us. Grayson stands up and runs his hands through his hair. "I'll call you back, mom." I quickly hang up my call.

"Is he okay?" Grayson's voice takes over the still room.

"He's going to be alright." Lisa nods her head as her voice shakes. "He has a broken leg, bruised ribs and the doctor is performing surgery on his spleen."

Grayson and I exchange looks as I exhale a deep breath.

"What happened to him?" Tears fill her eyes as she looks at me.

I hesitate for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Ethan was coming across the parking lot and this car just came out of nowhere."

"The police found the car, they said it was stolen." She tells us.

"Did they catch the driver?" Grayson eagerly asks.

"No, not yet." She shakes her head. "You guys should go home, get some rest. I'll call you when he wakes up."

Grayson agrees with his mother and nods his head. The distraught woman walks away from us, wiping some tears from her eyes.

"Something isn't right." He suddenly speaks. "Why wouldn't the person stop?"

"I don't know." I mumble, even though I do know.

"Did you see who was driving?"

"No, the windows were too tinted." I gulp as we begin to walk out of the waiting room.

"Well, did he-" Before Grayson continues on with his sentence, we both stop in our tracks. Jeremy, Nicole and Alex are standing in the lobby, they immediately turn their heads to look at us.

"Where's Ethan?" Nicole frantically asks.

"He's getting surgery." I stammer, feeling a pit of fear in the core of my stomach.

"Is he going to be okay?" I watch Jeremy nervously gulp.

"We hope." Grayson murmurs.

"We came as soon as we heard." Alex sighs as he holds Nicole's hand.

"Well, we were just leaving." I motion for Grayson to follow me out the door.

"Where are you going? Can we see him?" Jeremy lightly touches my shoulder.

"No, you can't." I quickly respond.

"Rach, what's wrong?" Nicole steps closer to me, her forehead is creased with confusion.

"Where were you guys? When Ethan was hit, where were you?" I sternly look at each of them. I don't care if these people are my "friends," I don't trust any of them.

"Coach Tanner asked me to put something in the boys locker room. Half the people were leaving anyway." Alex slowly explains.

"Yeah, Dean Gallagher snuck in beer so I was trying to get some." Jeremy calmly says.

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