t w e n t y e i g h t

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Alex's POV:

March 13th, 2017

Going to Marshall High is the biggest joke life could throw at me. This school is crawling with fake wannabes who act as if they haven't already peaked in life. You have the jocks, like Ethan Dolan. Popular, good looking, star of the football team. Then you have the class clowns, such as Jeremy Price. Funny, easy going, spunky personality.

Those are the boys that all the girls gravitate towards. Unfortunately for me the Alex Porter's of school miss out on all the action. I don't get any stares, never engage in conversations, I'm practically invisible at this school. If anyone does talk to me, it's because they want something that nobody else can supply them with.

The junkies love me because I give them all the remedies they need to escape this terrible jail they disguise as school. I've had a lot of people beg me for weed, but they never peak my interest.

I roll my eyes as I walk over to my locker, swinging it open with a thud. My messy brown hair is hanging over my forehead. I never bother to look presentable. The second I shut the metal, an unexpected face appears in front of me.

"Alex, right?" The gorgeous blonde asks with a tiny smile. I know exactly who she is: Amanda Harding. I've heard many things about this girl, but we have never spoken a day in my life.

"The one and only." I lean against my locker with a smirk. I'm never like this around girls, hell they never even look at me. But you don't get to choose if you talk to Amanda Harding, she chooses you.

"Cocky much?" She bites on her lower lip as she stares at me. Her eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue I have ever seen.

"Very much." I tilt my head as I peer down at her. She's wearing a low cut t-shirt with tight leggings. Her body is already driving me crazy.

"I've heard a few things about you." She whispers as she leans closer to me. The hallways begin to empty out as the bell for sixth period rings throughout the school.

"Likewise." I play it cool as I keep my stare on her eyes, and occasionally her chest.

"Word around school is you're the guy to go to for weed." She looks extremely hot saying that to me.

"That's correct." I figured that's what she wanted, that would be the only reason for her interaction with me.

"So, can you get me some?" She bites on her lower lip as she leans her face closer to mine.

Oh, I get it. She thinks I'll hand it over just so she can never talk to me again. I normally wouldn't care, I let random students do this to me all the time. The thing is, she is far from a random student.

"I can, for a price of course." I continue to stare at her.

"I'll do anything." She lowly begins to beg.

"I'm pretty busy this week, but I can have it for you by next week. Meet up with me and we can discuss this little negotiation."

"How am I supposed to know how to find you?" She tilts her pretty little head.

"Figure it out." I lightly smirk as I begin to walk away from her.

"Where are you going?" She calls after me.

"Algebra." I don't bother to look back at her, I continue to walk down the hallway. That was my first ever interaction with Amanda Harding.

March 20th, 2017

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