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My throat closes up as I read and reread the words on the wrinkled note. I refuse to believe this is happening. Amanda's killer is targeting me, but why?

This means it wasn't just a random person, it's somebody who knew her well enough to stab her in the back. Literally.

"Rach." I hear Nicole's voice call out to me. I immediately crumple up the threat and throw it in my bag. I fix my hair and turn to face my best friend.

"Hey, everything okay?" The pretty features on her face are replaced with worry and frown lines.

"Uh, yeah." I quickly recover with another fake smile. "What's up?"

"I was heading to grab some coffee. Do you wanna come with me?"

"Sure." I stutter out the word.

"Great. I'm having a terrible first day and I'm in desperate need of a vent session." Instead of flashing me her bright smile, a weak grin replaces it.

"You don't know the half of it." A nervous chuckle escapes my lips. My mind is racing with the scariest thoughts.

A murderer sent me a note and potentially threatened to kill me, yet expects me to go on with my life? How am I supposed to just carry on without saying anything?

"Babe." Ethan's sudden voice interrupts my thoughts. "You alright?" He places his hand on my lower back and peers down at me.

"Yeah, I'm good." Another lie. "Nicole and I are going to Starbucks so you don't need to take me home."

"Okay, I'm going to head to the football meeting. Be careful, alright?" He makes me promise.

"Of course." I nod as he plants a kiss on my cheek.

"Tell Alex that I'll call him later." Nicole says to him.

"Will do." Ethan nods before walking away.

"Let's get out of here." I mumble while locking my arm through hers. The hallways are pretty quiet at this point. The only sound I can hear is my heart beating rapidly inside of my chest.

Nicole and I step into the crisp air and head over to her car. I get into the passenger seat while she sits down behind the steering wheel.

"Alex said you missed the first three periods." I say as she starts the engine.

"Yeah, they're bullshit classes anyway. It took me three hours to get out of bed this morning." She sighs as she leaves the parking lot.

"My mom said I don't need to go in tomorrow, so I probably won't." I mumble lowly.

"Same, it's too much for me to handle. I couldn't stop thinking about her today. She loved the first day of school."

"It was like her red carpet." Memories flood my brain as we both laugh. "If she wasn't wearing the best outfit, she wouldn't leave the house."

"Remember last year? With Kelsey?" Nicole asks as we reminisce.

"How could I forget?" I lean back in my seat as I begin to think.

"Did you see Crystal wearing those boots? They're disgusting!" Amanda scoffs as we follow her to her locker.

"They're still muddy from the bonfire." I laugh while shaking my head. "She clearly didn't wash them."

"They look like cowboy boots." Nicole adds as we stop at our destination.

"She better be voted worst dressed in the yearbook." Amanda rolls her eyes as she stares at her reflection in the mirror that hangs on her locker door.

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