t w e n t y f o u r

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"Jeremy is boy number three." I whisper as I look back at Grayson. Both of us are shocked and confused in this moment. I can't even begin to process what I'm feeling.

"That makes no sense, why would he want to play Amanda?" Grayson nervously gulps.

"She was in love with him." I shake my head back and forth as I stare down at the evidence in front of me. "I don't get it, she never even talked about him."

"Did she ever talk about Ethan?" He carefully questions.

"No." I look up at him.

"That's the point, she was never going to tell you about these guys."

"I need to confront him about it, just like I did to Ethan." I close the book and place it in my bag.

"What if he killed her?" He whispers as he stares down at me.

"No, number two did. He was the one that was obsessed and caught her with Jeremy." I shiver just saying his name. Jeremy is one of my friends, how did I not know this?

"Holy shit, do you remember what he said to Detective Martin?" Grayson looks at me with fear in his eyes.

"Mr. Price, what was your relationship to the victim?"

"Just friends, I guess." He shrugs.

"You guess?" The man seems unconvinced.

"We weren't close but I always knew who she was." He clarifies.

"Would you consider her a friend?"

"In a way, yes."

"What about a girlfriend?" He presses the topic.

"We never dated." Jeremy clears his throat.

"Did you ever want to? I mean, was she somebody you were interested in?"

"Of course I was interested in her, every guy was." Jeremy finally answers the question.

"He lied, just like Ethan." My eyes widen at this revelation.

"Remember when we were asked if there was anyone that she liked, that rejected her?" Grayson raises an eyebrow.

"The answer is Jeremy." I stare down at the bookshelf. "She fell in love with him, but he didn't feel the same way."

"This is crazy." Grayson whispers.

"He's in the cafeteria, let's go." I grip onto my bag and head out of the aisle.

"Wait, are you sure you want to confront him in front of everyone?"

"It's now or never." I flash him a reassuring look as I head out of the library. Grayson trails behind me as we walk down the stairs.

"Rachel." A deeper voice calls out to me. I turn around and see Mr. Porter walking from behind us.

"Hi Mr. Porter." I awkwardly mumble.

"Did you hear the news?" His face turns serious as he lets out a sigh.

"What news?" I gulp as I look at him.

"Amanda's memorial was destroyed last night."

Grayson and I glance at each other before looking back at our principle. "What do you mean?"

"The flowers were all over the ground and the plaque is cracked down the middle. It looks like somebody took a baseball bat to it."

"That's terrible." My body feels numb as I keep my eyes on him.

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