s i x t e e n

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My face stays buried into my pillow as I keep my eyes shut. Between Jeremy's party, homecoming and breaking Ethan's heart I can officially say this is the worst weekend of my life.

My eyes burn from crying for the past thirty minutes, but now my tears have dried. I feel like there's no water left in my body to even come out of me. I used to never cry, now it's all I seem to be doing. I keep Amanda's diary gripped around my hand as I look down at the cover of it. So many secrets in this one little book.

My body lightly jumps at the sound of my doorbell ringing. My mother and Robert have been out all day running errands and going grocery shopping, leaving me all alone with my thoughts. I force myself out of bed once loud knocking fills my ears. I don't want to deal with anybody right now but I walk toward the door anyway.

I sneak a glance out the window and see Grayson's car parked on the sidewalk. The doorbell continues to ring, so I force myself to open it.

"You broke up with him?!" Grayson exclaims as he invites himself in.

"I don't want to talk about it." I groan as I shut the front door.

"I get that you were unhappy but you couldn't have waited until he got out of the hospital?" He looks at me with disappointed eyes.

"It's something I needed to do." I shrug as I walk away from the door. I don't expect him to understand, but he needs to stop asking questions about it.

"He was an asshole yesterday but he didn't need to get his heart broken while he's in recovery." Grayson follows me down the hallway and into my room.

"It had to be done, so I did it." I mumble as I glance at him.

"Something is going on that you won't tell me about and I deserve to know the truth." His arms cross over his chest.

"You don't know anything, Grayson." I shake my head with a tiny laugh.

"I know it has something to do with Amanda." He goes over to my bed and picks up the diary.

"Give me that." I try to grab it out of his hands, but he uses his height advantage to hold it over his head. Grayson is a lot taller than me, which he always used to tease me about.

"Not until you tell me why you've been acting so weird." He lifts the journal up higher as I try to jump up and get it.

"This isn't a joke, Grayson. Give it." I reach my tiny arms up, even though it's no use.

"Cute, you think I'm going to hand it over easily." He playfully smirks as he takes a step back.

My stomach turns with adrenaline at the goofy smile on his face. He places the diary behind his back as I try to grasp it.

"Now is not the time for flirting." I groan as I look into his eyes.

"Guess you're never getting this back." He takes another step away from me but his cocky attitude fades once he trips over my school bag that is placed on the floor.

He stumbles to his feet and drops the diary. I quickly pick it up and toss it on my bed, letting out a sigh.

"You're an idiot." I shake my head and look at him. His eyes are looking down at the bag he knocked over.

"What's this?" I can't even process what he's doing because it happens too fast. He bends down and picks up a crumpled piece of paper that tumbled out of the bag. My eyes widen as he starts to unfold it.

"Do not read that!" I panic and try to remove it from his hands, but it's too late.

He stares down at the note and every happy emotion fades from his expression. "What the hell is this?" He looks back up at me.

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